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Luke Williams!

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Everything posted by Luke Williams!

  1. atleast learn to spell if your going to have a massive rant anyways he did it once if you read what he put properly not twice a 1 year cast
  2. Not when you speak as much crap as you dont he explained it to you he doesnt want your opinion or he would of asked for it simple as so stop speaking bollocks and go to a thread where someone asks for your opinion. also cant wait for this vid cast or no cast TRA is beast
  3. your all slags lol quality as always from the cultiv8ed boys
  4. serious ah well suppose thats what you get fro buying onza but fair play to him if you cant take em off
  5. Luke Williams!


    JBL all the way. i had jbl 6x9 with a jbl 1000 watt sub (untill it got stolen) hitched up in my ride with some standard door speakers really did the trick for me although mr man is right and 6x9 do tend to try do all the jobs at once if you set them right with the sub the sound quality and the all around music feel is much better i'd rather have music coming from both directions plus its nice for your passengers! roll on the 24th when i get me new sub i so wish i could grab a pic of my dads system that is what i call evil, 2 15" subs in his boot with 2 12" 2 6x9's in each door and on his partial shelf with another 12" sub on his partial shelf too, he does it all himself too an he's a 46 yr old black guy with a mazda
  6. nice bit of sarcasm but he could just take them off if they look that bad then everyone will think its a zoo anyways where did monty come from just an opinion dont get all gay about it
  7. whats the point in buying a zona and puttin zoo stickers on it. mad props to zoo cause its free advertising but its pointless its still a zona underneath a few naff sitcker wont change it or make your riding get magically better or even get you more respect and i guess your goner say cause i like the zoo stickers, an if thats so behave apart from the worlds most pointless thing the bike looks pretty nice
  8. the first photo that ladie is fine as and bucky's got it made big props to him an his GF then and the blonde bird in the last pic is fine the brunettes need to go home and just go home caus ethat terrible look like they just had sex with there dogs with abit of crack for mental support
  9. CHUCK NORRIS FOR THE WIN peopole guy pwns then clint eastwood would come an own him too cause eastwood got the look
  10. it'll hold up as long as you dont chuck it around an take care of it. its carbon for f**k sake its not cheese also maybe british riders need to start learning to be smooth instead of just jumping from one high object to a very low one and callin themselves a good rider IMO
  11. i cant help but notice the extra skin hanging below your wrist
  12. IOLO BIKES GO BUY ONE lol meh who cares about advertising anyways its all good i like to see new products and how much they cost its much better than not knowing like iolo said! TF is a good place for publicity as most the trials commuity venture on here at some point in there lives so why not allow people to post useful information for a change. an those people who report have a right to due to the rules of the forum but saying that they are pretty sad if they can even be arsed to report it as OTN boys always says its only the f**king internet deal with it
  13. who gives a ahit about a coloured person black or what ever ( its kennan from kennan an kel lol ) end of the day its a screenshot an they decided to take one of him maybe he is a main character also WOW he has a big chain, i seen this white guy with the sickest watch pure gold big as f**k with a massive dollar sign on it which was made out of diamonds. but in all fairness the movie looks very boring i could understand if they where to have them in a jungle but in a plane is just stupid samuel l jackson may give the movie something to praise about but apart from that it looks like a pointless idea....... crap like this makes you stay at home and watch the quality films that you have on DVD like pirates of the caribbean.
  14. just about the insurance you can either fill a form from the post office i think or online i got mine and am all sorted with insurance for a good couple of years which is great and it costs 10 quid bargain an well worth the hassle
  15. sweet pics lovin those HUGGGGGGGGGGE TAPS an the hook was cool just cause of waynes cheesy smile lol Action man is better than pink so much more MAN ly
  16. been waiting to see this canberra footage for over a year now and its fookin sweet! the taps on all the rails and that last crazy gap is just dumb Big props to waynio riding is how it should be QUALITY all over
  17. quality pics dont see the blurryness but what would i know am not some super phatagical camera man still love the pics some awsome riding from all riders at the tuckage on the curbs real men do real sidehops looooooool
  18. Am up too early for this shit my eyes are now too amazed to do anything else Sick riding as always but that fookin bike doesnt help one! how the hell do they make there bikes stick like that on ice pure illness
  19. this may sound dumb but the wall looks abit to easy for you try something bigger. Also some wise words form a lot of good riders all mixed up for you Tap it harder tap it lower jump when you hit the wall use your arms to pull the bike up instead of forwards Body weight (this is the key issue with you it seems) your leaning way too far forwards
  20. alright for someones first vid gaps arnt large there ok! riding was ok but the video annoyed me to help just like gavyn said less gaps! if all you can do is gap well then you aint got nothing! gettin up something is just as important maybe start concentrating on something like sidehops or sommet instead of gaps
  21. yes that website is bullshit its a nice concept with the dropouts but people have been saying that crap for years! also mad props for the diffrent colours
  22. Very nice especially the skate park vid the second one was d/l at 1118kb got it in like 8 seconds lol ashton looks good on you had some nice sidehops going down
  23. Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft i so wanna cry lol that vid is just sick!
  24. the seller fairy has come again to bless you with these words, for if you give before you recieve, you'll get it up your A'hole so for you people who cant work the riddle out the fairy puts it in plain english Make sure you recieve the money before sending the parts etc
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