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Luke Williams!

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Everything posted by Luke Williams!

  1. its garland hes in leeds again this week
  2. beast vid but whats with all these africans in dp :\
  3. people need to open up to this style of trials riding its so much more entertaining than your average rider Beast riding
  4. there hasn't been a video made of this quality in a long time amazing
  5. you know i find it pretty
  6. good video solid riding and smooth although it looks like you've gained weight
  7. whats the difference between the 2 frames would you say?
  8. nice to see your back and someone is bringing tapping back into fashion and not to front
  9. that the pro set up? lovely bikes we sell these in our store and they are a machine
  10. re incarnation of chris walker lol"
  11. to be fair through all the bad press he is gettin and has got people still continue to order from him so as such its your own fault and going about things the wrong way will come back at you its as simple as going through the legal system and jobs a gooden!
  12. beautiful riding everything so smooth powerful and great
  13. arn't you selling this thing how come if you ride it quite well
  14. i wouldn't say onza are the best or biggest company in trials, (koxx maybe) but they do produce a nice variety of stuff for all levels, i would say they are a great brand and this does interest me to no end to see what comes of this partnership so congrats and good luck also is craig still in huddersfield?
  15. great pics but please pick up a helmet 20 quid and it could be a life saver
  16. nice vid well edited and great choice of song for your riding style those spins are cool
  17. told you big dog 20 inch onza or something is better for you to start on
  18. ye but dont you find it harder to perform the other moves?
  19. i think he's suggesting scottish people arn't like that this guy seems a bit of a dick! (the dick part isnt danny mac)
  20. i enjoyed that great vid your brake sounds beast !
  21. i suppose whats the difference between the two? as in feel wise does each have there advantages at dif moves aka one better for sidehops etc?
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