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Everything posted by onzatpro09

  1. I know that I shouldn't get one, but like Ross said, they sell themselves. The gain is so marginal in reality, meaning I'd only gain about 12 EPs at the cranks over my Pro 2s with my gearing, but who cares? Obviously you'll have to buy a set though and not just a rear Plus this all depends on there being a trials version...
  2. onzatpro09

    Group Ride

    Woah, savage... Surely for it to be called 'group ride', it should have a clip of everyone regardless of how little they rode or 'begginery' it was? Other than that, they were cool spots and Cocky's riding was as swish as usual. Jacob's is getting quite nice too
  3. It's got to be my Arcade, however my Ashton is close It's the first bike I have properly custom built to the point that I wouldn't really change anything, although I have changed the rims to the new spanks and put some contis on since the picture was taken
  4. I went on a 4 hour round trip today to pick up an Ashton Justice. As of right now it seems that it was money well spent I just need a few pennies to get it how I want it
  5. Along with a few other bits, I got a pair of the new Spank rims for Christmas (despite actually owning them since the first batch came out on Tarty ). Although my wheels will now look like every other pair out there because it seems like everybody has bought a set, I'm quite proud that I have built up the wheels myself. I have always been scared to do anything to my spokes in case I destroyed them (I don't know why I thought that ), but I learned to build wheels up just for this occasion. It seems to have gone fairly smoothly, although I haven't had a chance to test them so I may end up posting in the angry thread tomorrow... I know it's nothing mega cool to most of you, but it is just quite satisfying knowing that I shouldn't have to go to my LBS to do it anymore, so I'll be saving a fair bit of money in the long run I managed to do it without scratching my rims too, although despite my OCD about this kind of thing and constant checking, I managed to lace the front rim the opposite way around to the rear (in what I believe must have been a bit of a brain fart moment) so the graphics don't quite match I'm 98% sure that the rims aren't directional and this doesn't matter function-wise, but it's just a tad annoying and I may have to redo it on a rainy day. To top it off, I have a pair of Danny Mac Contis to go on instead of Holy Rollers
  6. Indeed! I wasn't expecting it which made it all the worse. I had a swollen wrist for a few days and a fairly badly bruised lower back for a couple of weeks. I have since realised I will never be the next Ashton and have ceased all road bike shenanigans
  7. Longer cranks = more leverage, shorter cranks = less leverage. This means shorter cranks require more "grunt" as Ali says. This slightly cancels with the light gear ratio and makes it a little nicer overall for Ali. That's how I understand it at least... *Queue crank length debate*
  8. This isn't today's riding at all, but it isn't really worth giving it its own thread. And there's this too:
  9. Hope cranks don't clear the chainstays when under load on the Arcades, despite clearing while at rest. I have them on mine, but it's not ideal. I don't really want to buy a different crankset after shelling out that much on Hope kit (which might be foolish, I don't know )
  10. The video seems to have done it's job well... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3335212/Four-stunt-riders-transform-1970s-rockers-showcase-extreme-cycling-skills-epic-music-video.html Top notch video. The quartet are like a fine pasta dish and this video was definitely the cheese on top
  11. I managed to snap my SLXs after 8 months and I have never done a hop above thigh hight or a drop more than 6ft... I'm not even a basher
  12. Evening chaps, I went out for a wee ride today and thought I may as well film some of it. It was all shot (apart from two clips) in half an hour on my phone, then edited in Windows movie maker as I hear that's how the pros do it Here is the result:
  13. Always good to see that women do actually ride trials too, especially when they can out-ride you! Seriously good stuff here.
  14. This wasn't today, but it was this weekend, so close enough... A clip like this doesn't deserve its own thread anyway Enjoy the 1080p grey shirt sweatpatch goodness
  15. If you're concerned about 4 grams, take a dump before you ride. You'll save anywhere between 0.5kg to 1kg, or maybe even 1.5kg on a particularly good day. That and the fact that if you get rid of it before you ride, the chances of soiling yourself when you fall off are vastly decreased
  16. I have never had a pair split at the crotch, mainly just from pedal related things. My general rule is that if I can do a squat with keys in my pocket and have them not dig in too much, then they're good to ride in
  17. You are both shorter (not that it makes a difference ) and a decent bit lighter than me so 180s should be fine. Some people might like 203s for the peace of mind and possibly slight bit more power when going huge (however I have not tried them so I cannot comment), but I don't ever find that my 180s aren't enough and I'm in no way smooth. I hope that helps
  18. Great, your Arcade looks nicer than mine... I'm pretty sure I too have seen this on Instagram a couple of times
  19. I was debating silver vs gold rims, but at the time there were a few Arcades/Archives emerging with silver rims, and even a black archive with purple Hope kit and silver spanks rims so I couldn't go down that route I did have SLX cranks on it which probably looked nicer, but I snapped them and just thought why not get Hope cranks
  20. Really good video! I always prefer nice smooth riding over pure brute force. I don't care if you're riding a kerb, 2 foot wall or pushing the limits of size; if you do it smoothly and with style, you win.
  21. I think it has been a while since I posted a picture of my bike on here, so here goes! It is incredibly unjustified having it when you look at my skill level, but it's nice to have I suppose I also know that the colour combo won't be everyone's cup of tea, but it is what it is. Spec: Frame - Inspired Arcade Forks - Inspired Arcade Bars - Inspired Arcade Stem - Hope Headset -Hope Grips - Inspired lock-on Bar ends - Hope Brakes - Hope tech 3 E4, Shimano Ice-tech rotors, hope adapters Front wheel - Hope pro 2 on a Spank subrosa rim with whatever spokes were the right length Rear wheel - Hope pro 2 on a Spank subrosa rim, Trialtech cassette spacers, Token lockring, Gusset sprocket and once again spokes that fit. Tyres - Maxxis holy rollers Cranks - Hope double spider Bottom bracket - Hope 30mm Bashring - Inspired 4 bolt Chainring - Shimano something-or-other Chainring bolts - Who really cares? Pedals - Inspired platforms Chain - KMC Z610 HX Seatpost - Gusset pivotal Saddle - Inspired pivotal
  22. Half of the time there's no rolling movement on bicycles either
  23. Evening chaps, I was off on holiday in Devon last week, so I decided to film a bit and throw it together into a rough video. I'm not happy with all of it, but it would of been a very short video if I was
  24. Pretty sure that the new Arcade has dropouts that allow 22/16 to be used by putting longer bolts in the tensioners
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