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Everything posted by onzatpro09

  1. If you have a slack chain, yes (well, I suppose you could take a link out) but if your chain is set up correctly, it's still nice to have them because the chain will eventually stretch and become slack, and you will need them.
  2. My dad is an engineer and that's what he and his mates thought when I asked them to take a look.
  3. No, it is definitely true, the standard and 1st one I had made (aluminium) snapped while hopping up nothing higher than a curb and the second one I had made (titanium) bent while I was doing nothing more than gentle riding. I don't know whether to buy a bunch more axles and just replace broken ones endlessly or a new hub and risk snapping the axles on that. All I want is a functioning bike for tartydays because I missed radfest due to bike trouble.
  4. Damn it. I snapped my 3rd rear axle in 5 weeks, after only an hour and a half of riding. That must say something about the way I ride...
  5. Dey is wel fit init blud But seriously, I think I have found my new frame
  6. I snapped a rear axle on my genesis, got another one specially made and snapped that within an hour, so got yet another drilled out of titanium. Other than that, a couple of snapped chains, mashed up hub bearings, snapped all but one pawl in a tensile 60 freewheel and had a few punctures.
  7. Quite a hard style, I like it smooth because I get paranoid about snapping my frame, meaning I don't go big such a hindrance
  8. Bang tidy edit Wish I could have went.
  9. Just test stuff, it's sort of the expensive way, but you should find what you want, and there are a few different cheap, good quality stems in the for sale section. If a certain stem doesn't feel good, sell it on or send back and try another.
  10. Shorter stems feel more mountain bikey, whereas the longer stems on trials bikes provide better leverage, and although it seems hard to use, you soon get used to it.
  11. Thanks for such a quick reply. It is definitely the BB, everything else is nice and tight, lubed up too. I'm going to take it to my local (independent) bike shop and see if they can figure it out, and they can get trials parts in unlike most other shops I've been to. Thanks again, Joe.
  12. When I ride, even just normal riding, I get a loud creak every pedal stroke. I don't do any big stuff, and I'm not a basher either, so my question is would that be a typical characteristic of a cracked frame or just a dead BB? I can't see any cracks, but I'm not going to rule it out. Any help will be much appreciated, Joe.
  13. Make the forks out of cardboard
  14. Tuck your trousers into your socks like a "gangsta" or just wear lycra.
  15. Boleaze cove at the end! I go to Weymouth a lot on holiday, usually the waterside site and since I started riding I've dreamt of taking my bike, but unfortunately I can't due to lack of space in my car
  16. onzatpro09

    The Pit Stop

    Nice and simple edit, just how I like it. Well done, keep it up.
  17. Tight budget when you have a skye... I wish I could afford one though.
  18. Ah, there's your problem...
  19. It took me 4-5 hours to get basic hops down. I just went to a place where loads of people could watch me as a motive for me not to fail and embarrass myself. It works quite well I'd say.
  20. Oil the pads... someone had to say it!
  21. Ooooooh beef. We are all entitled to an opinion. P.S. I'm not trying to start anything, I just believe foams aren't comfy and porkies are. I also ride with gloves which changes the feel a lot. The only reason I use grips at all is... well grip on the bars. I like as little squidge but as much comfort as possible which the porcipaws provide and foams don't. Riding foams with gloves just feels odd to me and I can't explain much more than that.
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