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Everything posted by onzatpro09

  1. I ride best wearing my turquoise trousers tucked into my pink socks with lime green stripes then beige sandals
  2. Keep the pics coming, I have have never seen one of them before
  3. Same here, and knowing my neighbourhood I'd be lead on the floor in agony and someone would come up to me and nick my bike. Doesn't help that I'm only 14
  4. How much approximately do you think it would cost to make up a plain black onza zoot sticker kit? Just the wording, none of the fancy green splattery stuff, original size. I hope you understand at least vaguely what I mean. Thanks in advance.
  5. Whether it was the rider's or designer's fault, it was still hilarious watching them pile off the edge
  6. Whoever designed that corner should be shot.
  7. Oh, sorry to hear it I have nearly had that happen to me a couple of times but I was lucky enough to avoid it
  8. Ham and jaffa cake sammich. Just try it. I first did it when I didn't have time to eat a sandwich and jaffas, so I popped them together and BOOM!
  9. I had my bike signed by Danny and Ali C at tarty days, then thought I'd lacquer over it to preserve it, but it ended up smudging Ali's signature At least it's still recognisable
  10. My stock genesis creaks and sometimes clunks from the drivetrain, I am worried to push myself because I am paranoid about something snapping and doing an "up to face" It's not the bb or chain as I recently replaced them both, so it's either the freewheel or frame. I know which one I'd rather.
  11. It'll be slightly heavier as there's more material.
  12. Yeah, if on the right rear/left front you'd need a reverse caliper, and that'd be a pain in the backside for brake manufacturers, and personally, I don't think it matters whether the mount is on left rear/right front as long as the brake works.
  13. Oh, yhe disk mount is on the front of the forks... I've never seen that before.
  14. I was quite looking forward to part 2
  15. But this all depends on how much I could sell my genesis for, and I still haven't even got a rough figure of what it's worth.
  16. Okay. Might get a set of 2013 urbans. The zoot forks are something stupid like half a kilo heavier than the urbans!
  17. I was thinking of completely overhauling the zoot, and focusing on my street riding, but I was out yesterday on the genesis and I love it so much. I don't know if it's better to have 2 alright bikes or 1 awesome bike. How much do you want for the forks? What condition are they in? How heavy? No guarantees that I can buy them even if I like them because of slight money issues.
  18. I'd like to get some opinions on how much I could sell my 26" bike for, not definitely going to do it, but thinking of just focusing on making my zoot better with the money I could get. Spec: Onza Genesis frame and Forks Tensile stem Echo tr bars 2011 hs33s front and rear, plastic backed cousts on the front, brand new CNC cousts on the back Echo 108 freewheel Tryall bb Neon halfring Anything not mentioned is standard. Only a couple of marks on the bash, no cracks or dents. It's also signed by Danny Mac and Ali C.
  19. Today I bought an Onza Zoot, swayed by the fact it had a Maggie on the back and still cost less than all of the cable brake Zoots. I have been thinking, and I want to upgrade some stuff. This is what I've come up with so far, but I've only got £350 complete maximum to spend on the upgrades. Magura MT2 (203mm rotor) for the front Echo 108 click V!S disk hub Echo urban forks (2013) And a decent rim grind on the back. I am open to any improvement, and thanks in advance, Joe.
  20. What do you call a gay terrorist? A suicide bummer!
  21. I genuinely wondered where you were, I wanted to have a chat
  22. It would probably help if you didn't ride holding food in the first place Nah, just watch some videos and try to imitate. It could take minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months. Just keep at it.
  23. My bike needs a respray. How did you do it? Did you just strip it, cover holes and spray or did you do all of the professional jazz on it? How is the finish?
  24. I need the geo of the tensile stem off of the stock genesis but I can't find it, if anyone could tell me it, it would be much appreciated.
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