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Everything posted by onzatpro09

  1. I look forward to finding out the price of the element frame (I assume they will sell it solo?) The only reason I didn't get the current element is the lack of rear disc mounts, which seems to have been fixed for the new one
  2. Any words on the release date? And am I going mad or is there a new element too? I saw it on Duncan Shaw's facebook I think, plus it has a rear disc mount
  3. How about this then? I'm interested to see the geo and price. In the pictures it doesn't seem to have a rear disc mount which is a shame http://www.inspiredbicycles.com/inspired_flow_24_bike_p60.php
  4. With a bit of research, sintered seem to be the ones to go for. Am I right?
  5. I'm fairly new to disc brakes and I need some new pads for my Magura MT4. I've looked on tarty and there are official magura pads, except they're £20-ish. I have also had a quick look on ebay and found some pads which are a bit cheaper: http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/151085239926 Would these offer the same performance? And which compound would be the best? Semi-metallic, sintered or kevlar? Thanks, Joe.
  6. Could you please elaborate or post pics I keep hearing about these "spoke tensioners" but I am clueless as to how they work
  7. I wouldn't have thought it would make much of a diffence because it is only paint at the end of the day Go for a dump before you ride if you're that concerned about saving weight
  8. I got my zoot powder coated but it is so thick that bolts dig in and crack it all, plus the hub bearing washer things dig into the paint and make it really difficult to remove the wheels. On the up side, it is pretty scratch resistant.
  9. That's along the lines of what I was thinking. I can always do a bit of streety whippy stuff on a mod
  10. I cracked my zoot the other day and I'm just wondering what to do. How much does it generally cost to get cracks welded up? Is it worth doing? I'm also thinking of converting my blade to disc on the back, which requires a new hub and spokes, sad thing is that I could only afford to get one of the things done. Which would be a better investment? Thanks in advance, Joe.
  11. I've got a 2011 beta evo 125, and bicycle trials really helps, especially with things like trackstands and being comfortable on the back wheel. I don't know where I'd be without it.
  12. I don't have the money for an inspired, as much as I want one I've been offered a fairly cheap zoot DD so I'll go with that for the time being
  13. Definitely. Put me on a moto and I'll clean sections with relative ease (trying to make it sound like I'm not bragging is hard), but put me on a bicycle and I'm like Mr Bean on a bike. I just ride because it's fun and aids my progress on the moto side of things when I can't get out on it.
  14. I was finally starting to really like my zoot, but managed to crack it today. And guess where- the seat post/seat stay join. What a surprise It's a landmark in my trials career, it's the first time that I've cracked a frame. Now for the snap
  15. "Full custom build for sale: One of a kind bike. An onza rip with super-duper upgraded grips and all custom spray painted 2 shades of blue because the first can ran out." It is so funny when an ad like that pops up on ebay, asking £350.
  16. Exactly this. If you wear skinny jeans it can be a pain, but with normal jeans it's absolutely fine.
  17. It's some sort of hunchback!? Straighten out the top tube and it'd look alright, and maybe a slightly longer head tube while they're at it.
  18. My lack of funds and years on this planet irritate me. So far it looks like no radfest... hopefully that will change
  19. 14 This isn't going to turn into some messed up paedo stuff is it?
  20. I'm soooo jealous. A pair of 203 saints would be the dog's danglies in my opinion Oh, thanks chap Not sure if I'm going yet I'm too young to get myself there. Edit: ^that makes it sound as if I'm 3 I am too young to go alone (14) and it's on the other side of the country too, so I can't just "pop on down"
  21. I completely ruined this post so I'll try again.
  22. I have been riding for about a year, and being 14 means you bounce when you fall off, unlike some of my older riding mates, and you don't get hurt as much the other day my mate Jeff filmed me a bit and we ended up with this: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pLNB2EwWCOc Cheesy thumbs up trackstand Hopefully more to come too, we're planning on making a sort of progression series for me. Edit: spelling errors
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