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Everything posted by onzatpro09

  1. Pft. Silly solutions. Just pop down a claymore in front of it
  2. It was alright, very similar to road bike party in a few places though, but it just didn't feel as good. Nobody can beat Martyn, although I must say that I liked the last line.
  3. Magura MT4s front and rear, 180mm Magura storm SL rotors, Magura performance pads. Despite many negative reviews online, these perform pretty well once you have achieved a good bleed, which is fairly difficult sadly. Overall, nice hold and modulation.
  4. Edit: I posted the wrong picture first time round
  5. You watched your lady have a dump? Edit: Actually, you never said it was a lady...
  6. Nah, nah. The gold rims looked bangin' I think all black can look pretty naf
  7. I had a similar thing the other day. I was playing one day, then the next day, nothing. Apparently I didn't have gold membership anymore despite my dad paying for a year of it back in December/January. We fiddled about with settings but still nothing. To be honest I can't be bothered with it, I've stopped using Xbox really, it's just sat there not doing much. Games consoles aren't designed for people to enjoy, they are just there to snatch money from people without them noticing.
  8. Inspired is the name of the brand. Try looking for an inspired element/flow.
  9. 1) Any inspired for streety trials (spinny Danny Mac stuff), probably an echo (?) for trialsy trials (bouncy seatless stuff). 2) Nobody here can decide upon your budget, that's something only you can do.
  10. Yeah, we did it after this was filmed. Thanks anyway
  11. Haha, yeah, it's my dad, and thanks Apparently I've got a bit better recently so I'm hoping I can get a more up to date video out with a bit of bicycle and moto lines in it
  12. If you want a rim brake, buy the element frame on its own. It comes with a magura mount, then just chuck some mag-v adaptors on. Alternatively, you could buy the flow instead.
  13. Hi guys, this is my first video on my inspired. It was filmed and edited by my dad on his phone Sorry in advance for the terrible music. I'm hoping to make another one when I am a bit better, when it is a bit lighter (it was filmed at about 9pm) and on my GoPro While we're at it, here is my first moto trials edit by my friend Jeff It is a shame everything looks so small
  14. Absolutely loving the beard! Oh yeah, the riding was alright too
  15. Just cut up an old headset spacer and pop it on top of the stem, then tighten it all up as usual. It may be a bit fiddly getting the cut at the right angle, but it is only a temporary thing I suppose, so there is no need to be totally perfect, as long as it all fits properly.
  16. As soon as I manage to sell my blade I should hopefully be able to afford a hope hub conversion, putting an end to all of this screw on freewheel nonsense.
  17. Thing is, it even happened on my blade. The standard bash and freewheel on the standard cranks ended up stripping.
  18. It is the trialtech 23 tooth one (I can't remember the actual name )
  19. Is it just me? I used a metric butt-tonne of copper grease on fitting the freewheel to the crank arm, but still this happened. These are fairly new cranks as well. Does anyone else have this problem? It has happened with both onza and trialtech cranks. This is why we need splined freewheels. Hurry up trials industry!
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