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About Waynio

  • Birthday 09/24/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Keighley, Yorkshire

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  • Real Name
    Wayne Daniel Mahomet
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Too Much Spare Time

Too Much Spare Time (7/9)



  1. How much do you want for that Zenith then bey? Also...any idea on a rough weight?

  2. haha! Cheers Ross............ when your next in/near yorkshire give me a buzz!?!?!iv got the urge to ride AGEN!haha and im really enjoying it. hopefully see more people soonio............. Waynio
  3. he DEFFINATLY doesnt eat vegetables!?!?! haha,he usually avoids them. kool vid young man......we'll have to ride soon, like the good old days when i was good and you learnt off me......will be other way round now...... Wayne
  4. Waynio

    Ross Clayton

    very gay ross.......nice style, top riding sunshine Wayne
  5. and now i realise WHY trials doesnt interest me half as much........come to look for some 2nd hand parts and read topics like @have all the big riders quit.......just to read absolute bollox....... there is bigger and better things out there......and half of the problem is, people spend way too much time on thier computers TALKIN' bout it and not DOIN' it. My job limits me to riding trials and also my football interest........as i found that trials got a bit too sensitive and very political, and all i wanted to do was ride my bike for fun, so instead, i go play football then go get PISSED and have a good laugh with my mates. the only part of trials i miss, is been around people that i made really good friends with, but i catch up with them every now and again. Dave had a fair point and people just close you down over petty shite, at the end of the day THIS IS THE INTERNET its full of opinions and alot of you will NEVER EVER agree, so do yourself a favor, AGREE to DISAGREE........ Wayne i demised the day that jack carthy started using TF........sorry for the rant, suppose old age and scroogism gets to us all some day i still ride my bike for FUN and prob like CLS enjoy it more that way.
  6. Ross you GAYER! football season starts again soon, thinkin of giving in sunday league though, to ride the bike a tad more.nowt special though, im a bit too old now. just enjoy doin' it for the shits and giggles. Wayne
  7. the old forgotten un-sung heroes of trials, who probably PUSHED the boundaires 1st!?!?!in a BIG BIG WAY! Trials Kings! James Hyland Danny Holroyd Chris Swallow Adam Burns 4 names that used to inspire me to ride my bike to the max!?!?!there sheer videos were the best and always will be,i bet if you ask CLS and Tunni etc, they will have been inspired by these guys to GO BIG or go home....... Wayne Fruitbat - lets get out and catch up!?!?!some more photo's
  8. They are/have been so busy with other things.......i know myself that in the past 6/8months i havent ridden my bike half as much as i would have liked. but the input from myself and ash, and us pestering them to do it kind of kick started the fixed hub. i think theres a bit more to the freehub than meets the eye and this could be why it is/has taken much longer.......you cant rush theses things. Wayne
  9. Waynio

    Woodfest Clips

    Mr Steadman my lover! there is a clip of the step up in the HIGH res video by the pro guy who was there on friday, but you cant see the FULL extent of it, im sure other people will have video'd it....... id have rather seen the faceplant again though! just to laugh my head off at that from the top of the pile of "SLIPPY" logs or even the swimming lesson in the last demo! haha Hope you got home safe mate, and as i said we must meet up soon for a street BASH'in somewhere? was great to catch up with you and the miss. Waynio........................
  10. TOP EVENT! matt, really enjoyed myself, glad i turned out..... Hope to see you there next year if i get an invite. was some FUNNY shit going on.....the SLIPPY log pile faceplant...... haha, still laughing at myself how i got away with not been dead. Steadmans 180 on the 9ft'er........an absolute screw-loose......them 11ft drops have taken it out on my poor knee's..... Waynio................................
  11. Waynio


    there should be 6 bud...... there is 6 for me anyway. Wayne
  12. Waynio

    Waynios album

  13. Waynio


    lee buchannon!!!!! haha, hes not riding anymore BUT if you could see the size of him! his shoulders are twice as wide as mine! haha, hes HUGE! we will deffinatly have to have one of the "shipley glen rides" that we used to organise so much through the summer of many moons ago, al fel, big phil, god THE days? haha. Reminising now. Wayne
  14. Waynio


    haha, well FOOZBALL then, same thing really. im no beckham wanna be, more of a Schmeichael. anyway i think we'll be back out on sunday for another session somewhere else, fuity mentioned a "street" session so il see how things plan out and how the weekend goes with the weddings and foozball final. Wayne
  15. Waynio


    am...................BACK! haha i didnt really leave, just have been busy with soccer. should be at the next few comps, only got 3or4 footy games left, including a nice cup final on sunday. Wayne ps cheers for the comments il go get some more pics and footage this week with the frooty 1!
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