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Everything posted by minitrialer

  1. Haha oh my god i didn't even recognize you then. I don't know why but for a split second you looked like Raub. You look really different without the old emo hair. Still riding?
  2. Does anyone know what the ridings like in oxford? were thinking of riding somewhere new, had oxford and milton keynes in mind..
  3. have a look at getting a diesel. Especially a small diesel, cheap to insure and cheap to run, and go for miles and miles!
  4. you can get a slave cell flash unit thing from jessops which fires your slave flash from your on camera flash. Don't know id anyone has said that, haven't read the whole thread They work pretty well. I got one but they don't work with DSLR's because of the pre-fire flash etc etc. Or as f-stop said use a cable.
  5. Through a moderator i imagine. Wow he missed a couple of spaces.Check you out.
  6. I have JUST got in. Me and Andy stopped off at a petrol station at about 9.20 and both fell asleep untill 11:30!!! Proper knacked, quite a good ride, still got wet feet from the water feature thing though. Aching, although didn't ride too much.
  7. BUMP. Give me some more idea's opinions!!!Ahhhhh
  8. Hi, basically give us some idea's, where is good! We are willing to travel fairly far. Post picture of your riding spots if possible and people who have been on roadtrips give us advice if possible where to stay where to ride etc etc etc Cheers ma deers
  9. He left it at some train station, what a 'helmet', we'll have to keep the 'lid' on that one
  10. haha only sad people Well i think me n Andy will be a bt earlier we are leaving Felixstowe at 9 so will be at Clacton at about 10ish might stop for some brekky on the way though. See you then! Think you still have my no. text me is anything changes
  11. some local band, really good chilled out stuff www.myspace.com/theshadowproject nice and happy music, which makes a change.
  12. Haha your not wrong there! Yer i was about 12 when you last saw me! See you tomorrow buddy!
  13. If it's a small type local independent business be very polite and ask everyone if they want help. Be personal if you see what i mean, e.g not hi how can i help , but, hi there you alright? friendly and not like a robot who works in tesco. Erm hmmmm, always look busy, tidy the shop, dust n shit, pump up tyres on bikes. Leanr about orders, repair jobcards, everything! Just be cool and have a sense of humour. nobody likes boring people!
  14. Hi people, basically it seems i can't find what i want using google and chacha is useless. First of all i want to find out who did the photography for the 'When the sun goes down' / 'scummy' cd. I really can't find it. Secondly, i need to find a picture of the back cover of that CD which is over 150x150 pixels. As i can barely see it let alone work on it. If anybody can recommend me a search engine or give me some information i would appreciate it. I have tried those album art search engines and they found every other cd cover from arctic monkeys apart from what i wanted. grrrrr. Cheers
  15. Fancy it? Me and a mate are driving down i imagine....Don't know quite what time yet
  16. You have just answered you own question. That's why they do it, because they are a danger to other road users. Oh dear, what's wrong with sticking to speed limits anyway? It's not that difficult, save yourself a license and possibly yours someone else's life. What's to lose? 20 minutes ? Who cares.
  17. Strawberry and orange creams are by far the best! Sickly and always leave you wanting more, but i spose that's why they are so good. In small doses. So no, i don't want to trade.
  18. [attachmentid=8872] Jokes.....but seriously....what? You can drive with someone i think over 21 who has had a license for over 3 years as in essence they are teaching you because they have experience and it should be safe. However with two 17 year old it means they don't even have to have lessons and can be on the road. Considering most teenagers drive with there mates it would mean no-one needs to pass there test. What was this posted again? Someone bored?
  19. [attachmentid=8633] Hmmmmm, close enough.
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