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About minitrialer

  • Birthday 07/07/1989

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  • Real Name
    Dan Strain
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    t-pro, lite guy forks,echo cranks

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  • Interests
    trials, media stuff, music, photography,pool,xc,
  • Location
    Suffolk, Felixstowe/Derby(uni)

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  1. Haha bet my mate a fiver Davis would beat him, score!
  2. I think have I got news for you is probably funnier than most of them, like mock the week, but they just seem to have template jokes which fit for every episode, funny at first though.
  3. Anyone watching the Masters? I went to Wembley and watched Jimmy White, amazing atmosphere, shame he lost
  4. Ocean Lab - On a good day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBN4oUT9lAs
  5. Seen ATB and Armin in Air , loved it, how was it?
  6. A few cool clips if anyone is bored or wants to get inspired! Fastest 147 ever as far as I'm aware, from Rocket Ronnie Sweet shot to get out of a snooker from Maguire Cool spin shots from Jimmy White. Go on Jimmmmmy Awesome way out of a snooker !! Jimmy again Haha in the old days, having a pint and a fag whilst playing EDIT: Woop got a break of 27 today
  7. Just been and played tonight, couple of five ball breaks, not great score though lol. Well...my friend was supporting him, but to be honest I really like Ronnie as well, found myself watching the screens a lot, but it's great if you sit a bit higher, good atmosphere as well. Yeah the camera was on us at the start of the match, I've got a screenshot somewhere.... haha we all look dopey as hell, was a good day though! Let us know what cue you get and how you get on, could even turn this into a snooker thread ......
  8. Aside from weight etc I suppose the main benefit is getting used to a cue. I'm going to invest in the next few weeks, I like heavy cues because they feel more 'steady' to me. I also LOVE watching snooker, I watched the Ronnie Selby Quarter final in Telford a couple of weeks ago, you might have even seen me in my jester trousers if you were watching?! Also tickets for worlds are available from January so get booking! Good luck!
  9. Some real interesting replies so far, although I must say I couldn't disagree with this irrelevant statement more - Is a dog born in a stable a horse? Anyway... I think part of the reason he was treated the way he was, was probably something to do with some of his ridiculous opinions, ie holocaust denial. There was so much hypocrisy in that episode it annoyed me. Bonnie (?) was talking about how the person who wrote the gateley article had freedom of speech and may not be nice but could write it. Yet anything Griffin said was automatically wrong. The point is that he had the freedom of speech, she didn't stop him talking, she just questioned what he said, just like she questioned the woman who wrote the article about Steven Gately. I personally don't think she wasn't being a hypocrite.
  10. Discuss..... Lockdown: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8321470.stm Watch here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00nf...ime_22_10_2009/ I don't see a problem with him being allowed to voice his opinion, freedom of speech, and democracy etc etc. anyone got any interesting views on this subject or the program? Be good to get a discussion going.
  11. Pretty varied in the next month... ATB Alexisonfire Ian Brown and poss Skinnyman
  12. Just gotta bang everything else in the engine bay, fit exhaust, then make the new brake lines, and mot it
  13. Think I'm going along Sunday, wanted to take my ratty track/fast road/noted38intheslightest car but it's not ready
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