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About AlexClare94

  • Birthday 07/20/1994

Previous Fields

  • County (UK Only)
    West Yorkshire
  • Real Name
    Alex Clare
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    GU 26" Orange Trialtech Try-All Echo and Clean parts with Magura hs33 2014
  • Country
    France, French Republic

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Girls and anything with wheels
  • Location
    Leeds, Bradford / Dordogne, FRANCE

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AlexClare94's Achievements

Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. cheers for all the comments and that, havent been on here in a while but been riding all the time when i get the chance. But yeah being of the bike for almost 2 years, I'm slowly getting back to how i was.. but only got little obstacles atm, but the bike is riding awesome. and I've ridden this beauty in the rain too, as here i france it is blooming boiling so riding in the rain is so much better than riding it sweltering 34'c haha The stem is 160 x 30/35.. and I'm 6ft4 And trust me guys, I'll keep taking the tyre off, I've had the bike for barely 3 weeks now and if i damaged the tyre then its a pain in the arse for me getting just a tyre over to france.. seen as i doubt anywhere in france does decent tyres lol
  2. Hmm never been keen on monty bikes, and always seen youngsters riding them, but top one looks a bit better...but from the M5 carbon to that? Pretty much a massive downgrade don't you think?
  3. yeah I'd never ever held a grinder until this point aha and it was late and just scary cause i was also using a metal grinding disc.. but I'm going to grab a few Stone discs.. but yeah knowing my luck I'd go through my tyre
  4. No I kinda had to do it quick but yeah I took the tyres and stuff off and to be honest I don't think I did a bad job Been on it properly today and haha not been riding for about 2/3 years and going mod to stock feels so much more comfortable height wise. And it rides so nice am well happy to be honest, but yeah I need to get practising big time haa
  5. Can't wait for a decent ride on my bike

  6. So the bike I ordered from Tarty came yesterday, after building it up fully and getting everything just about ready to ride, I had to grind the rims which was fun haha, never done it before. But here's the bike complete.
  7. i dont have a scrap wheel :// just done a little bit and am just scared im not doing it right
  8. Heatsink cousts and the grinder blade is for metal ://
  9. Can anyone please explain how to proceed with grinding on my rims, front is a Trialtech Sport 26" and my rear is a Clean 26". I've just received my bike of tarty thinking I'd asked them to do it for me but I will have to learn i guess.. is it as hard as it looks? are there certain grinding blades you need to stop it slicing straight through the rim? I've just had these delivered brand new and i don't really fancy f**king them up straight away
  10. Yeah I'm an idiot and tend to ignore the useful info :/
  11. For echo TR clamps is there any form of Cylinder washers you can use other than the magura ones? I'm guessing that the Echo SL ones are only usable on the SL clamps?
  12. AlexClare94

    Zhao Xuan 2014

    Been watching this guy riding for the past few days on vimeo and YT.. he's actually so sick!!
  13. you'd be better off just emailing tartybikes with your exact question.. they reply just as quick, i did it with allot my questions regarding bike parts ect
  14. well my glorious GU pics will be up soon when i get the bike on tuesday may do a build up video but im useless haha
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