the dani comas 'prototype' is exactly the same length as the normal monty, just lower. monty do try things, what about the sss thing, yes, i am not sayiong it was revolutionary, not in the slightest, but the tried it. megamo tried all this rear disc malarcy a few years ago, but in times when components were not good enough to hosty a good rear brake. where as monty have started using discs at the right times as everyone who rides my bike thinks it is the best brake ever. And now koxx are making a floating disc mount to fit on all the models. hmmmm even just things like the intergrated booster. it wasn't needed, but it helped a hell of a lot. why be the same as every other company when thesae bikes are selling well, and ride so well, and weigh nothing. you might say ' keep up to date ' but what is up to date, these bikes are up to date if anything. god.