when i broke my wrist, when i got the cast off i just started by squeezing a energy ball thing, (a foam ball) and that hurt like a bitch. i was told i couldnt ride until i could put my elbow down by my side with my hand infront and be able to turn my hand so my palm was facing the sky. I still cant do that properly now and it was about 5 months i came out of the cast, but i rode about 3 days after i got the cast off, obviously taking it easy, but was ok. back on topic My arm was the size of an actual twig when my cast came off, it was horrible, and i had like a rash sorta thing, dry skin thing, was horrible, but my arm soon grew its muscle back and is now loads bigger than it was before i broke it. just do gentle excercises, and swim, that would be perfect on your leg. IMPORTANT BIT!!! you should seriously go to your local swimming pool and tell them about whats happened, say would there be any chance i could go swimming, and even just walking along in the water will help you a GREAT deal. just getting used to it. joE! hope this helps!