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Everything posted by Toby

  1. Toby

    2009 Koxx Bike Range

    is that a new chain too? or is it just the chain that usually comes on xtp's, release them already i wanna buy me a new bike dual hs33 woo
  2. looking forward to riding some were new, lets hope the weather is ok
  3. wicked Steve, was waiting all the way through just to see you tea bag your stem was so funny when you did it hehe
  4. pics came out great wish i had got one when you were going up to the skip mental line
  5. Toby

    2009 Koxx Bike Range

    no just a bad paint job square holes in the rims look wicked
  6. as the picture shows rafal went to gap from the blocks up to the rock then fell off to the side on the rock below, and then somebody decided to put a nice "soft" plastic chair type thing to cushion anyone else if they fell, well i think it was plastic picture makes it look alot smaller than it actually was
  7. loverly tommy! cant wait to get back to maguras!
  8. seeing as your mostly riding natural and will be on uneven surfaces most of the time, i would definitely go try-all in my opinion, i recently bought a eagleclaw to replace my try-all and the monty due to the thinner side walls was a lot less stable on uneven ground i would get tyre fold alot more than i ever did with the try-all im definitely going back to the try-all once my eagleclaw is worn out.
  9. Toby

    Sh*t Brakes

    surely when using tar it doesn't really matter what pads you use?
  10. Toby

    New Wheels!

    well it might be to do with how the holes in the rear rim are offset so much not sure, not a clue about how much exactly weighs since my scales are only accurate to .5 of a kg and comes up as 8.5kg
  11. Toby

    New Wheels!

    im generally quite smooth should be ok i hope
  12. Toby

    New Wheels!

    got some new wheels on my hydroxx, dobs rims on a try-all h rear hub and a zhi08 front hub with white spokes had a right arse with them, the rear disc caliper rubbed on the spokes had to space the rotor out and file the caliper down but looks lush sorry about the quality of the picture
  13. front hub should be the "h" model shouldn't it? looks like its on 07 hub to me
  14. someone get this benito vid hosted some were else im dieing to see it
  15. i suppose that was 3 hydroxx frames right? ..... anyway i have a hydroxx mod and its a brilliant bike, i have rear disk so cant comment on rear brake flex but the bike it self feels extremely sold and stiff(don't believe these people saying there not), square tubing on it seems to be quite resistant to dents , only the top tube dents easily since its not square only problems with it i have found is the paint flakes off though im not to concerned and the drop outs are very weak if landed on, i ended up making an insert to stop the drop out bending up on my side hop side just in case if i landed on it
  16. Looks gorgeous Joe Whats the flex like on the rear end? been thinking about getting one my self
  17. weather looks to be ok should be great!
  18. Toby

    What's Your Job?

    HGV technician(apprentice) aka truck grease monkey 2nd year now
  19. 6ft poles seriously? only used a breaker bar which is just over a foot long everyone seems to be making this out a lot harder than it is or am i missing something. Do what someone else said in here get the proper freewheel tool, bolt through the tool and crank, buy a big 1/2inch breaker bar from halfords and a socket, thats basically how i did it. I supposed most people don't want to spend any more money just to get a freewheel then again having the right tools helps a lot lucky i have it all at work and as zhi nuts said decent vice helps and a really sturdy workbench helps a lot too
  20. How are you getting down Tom, want me to drive? unless you already arranged something with Barlow.
  21. chelmsford isnt good when its saturday though
  22. Toby

    Halo 3

    you didnt watch after the credits..
  23. Toby

    Xbox 360

    you can play live just no co op campaign, and with core no mic
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