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Everything posted by PatJsy

  1. This might help! Oh and on my trials bike I use the front brake to get into it then like err said, use it to save my ass when it gets too steep. BMX I just use my body weight so I guess you could do it either way. I'd say easier to use your front brake though
  2. That could also work, I meant go out of the flat bank and g-turn across the top deck if that makes sense. Imagine a jump box kind of set up but with flatbanks for take off and landing... Basically, when you're going up something steepish and you do the 180 to end up on the front wheel, your back end will naturally end up quite high up because of the axis I'm doing an awful job of explaining this haha
  3. It's actually 50 - 18 but I need to either go down one at the back or get a half link, the wheel's pretty far forward
  4. True, when I was filming my video I kept thinking I should probably do some juggling at some point haha On a serious note, it's actually quite difficult to give a fair score out of 10 for things like style and creativity
  5. The key I find is to go steeper, once you go past a certain point the backwards momentum will keep the back wheel up a bit like a manual (just completely the other way) I found the easiest way to get used to keeping the back wheel higher is to do it over a small jump box or out of a flat bank
  6. I actually hate those b******s for driving up the prices of old road bikes! haha
  7. 18-44 off the top of my head, might be horribly wrong here though ha I found the front rim in the shed, just needed some paint. I won a hub on ebay for 99p and got some spokes for 6 quid ha The back one I picked up at a little bike shop, £25 and as far as I can tell it was a steal - came with aero blade spokes and a proper track hub ha
  8. Here's a before an after pic of my A to B bike. I picked it up on ebay and the idea was to sort it out as cheap as possible but still try to make it look half decent. After many hours on ebay I got a load of cheap bits for it then topped it all off with a top class poundworld paint job (the best spray paint you'll ever buy ) I managed to get the whole thing done for around £100 (that's with the initial cost of the bike included)
  9. I've been given the all clear from Ben to post my feedback for the sponsored videos. As you probably know the videos were judged on creativity, style and video production and although we were only supposed to give a score out of 10 for each of the three categories I thought I'd add a quick paragraph for each one to explain why I judged them the way I did (I also think this qualitative approach to judging works better than the scores, some videos like Ross' one for example I felt deserved a much higher score but I couldn't justify it having been bound by the three categories if that makes sense) Oh and these are purely my initial thoughts after seeing each video, if I wrote more about one than another it's simply because I was just getting lazy so please don't take any of this personally! Anyway, here it is: (I put the videos in my own little groups to make it easier to compare them so the order is different to what is on the blog) – One of my favourite videos for a number of reasons. First of all, the video production is spot on, great filming and really clean editing. The riding is pretty much exactly what I think street trials should be – smooth, technical lines that flow nicely. Ross rides street trials without the stereotypical BMX inspired moves – just solid, creative and a lot of the times ballsy lines! Awesome style and definitely the sort of video you'd want to watch before you go out riding! Ben Travis – One of the best tripod only videos I've seen in a while, the camera always seemed to be in the right spot! Would have been cool to see some panning/zooming maybe to make the footage that little bit more fluid but that's just me being picky. The video had a pretty light hearted feel to it although there were some pretty serious lines throughout. Another example of a smooth and solid style that's a pleasure to watch! – It's easy to misinterpret being creative as having to do weird tricks and over editing your video. In my eyes, it's more to do with finding ways to ride things that don't normally get ridden, for example - a tank... This was a seriously cool video, at the start I thought the song may be a bit too fast paced but Leon pulled it off perfect! Creative use of some awesome spots and “obstacles” and a great mix of street and trials riding, only thing I could say is the video production was not quite up to the standard of some of the other videos. But hey, he rode a tank instead so I'll let him off! – More “trialsy” street trials, this time the riding was a bit more chilled out than in the previous videos although it was really flowy! I felt like I was watching a Chris Akrigg video at times, it was full of simple but creative and good looking lines. Although most spots were what you'd expect from a typical trials video there were some cool parts like the mini trampoline or the skatepark clips. Video production was very similar to Ross' video – simple, clean and highly professional! – Definitely one that stood out! The “artistic” approach with it being a dream worked really well as did the random man with the trumpet, the tune suited the riding surprisingly well! It was definitely a pretty bold move to do something different but it worked great. I also liked how you saw the minimum of each trick, it really did feel like a dream! Awesome video even though it was a little short! Neil & Ian – Another one that was way outside the box. Really fun to watch, the doubles lines were rad! Comic book idea was rad as well! The riding spoke for itself, a great mix of two different styles, both great to watch. Clearly a video with a lot of thought put into it, a great concept that stood out from the rest of the videos! Aran – Another awesome example of how you can make trials more fluid and “streety” without turning it into BMX. Tonnes of awesome lines, often in places most people would just ride past and ignore. Catchy tune and clean editing too! In my eyes, Rob is in a league of his own, taking his riding in a new direction. It's easy to disregard it as “basically BMX” but if you look closer he's actually at the other extreme of street trials, combining some back wheel moves with simple and stylish street riding. This is a great example of how versatile a street trials bike can be. Filming the entire video in a skatepark was a bold move but I really enjoyed it, Rob found some awesome lines and the video production was top notch! – Once again, really high quality video production with great use of slow mos that fit in with the song really well. The riding was smooth and flowy, the scenery was great and there was a good variety of spots. Leo's got a big bag of tricks and he uses them very creatively to make the most of whatever he's riding. Really enjoyable to watch but it would have been good to see him pull that last 5! – Fabio's riding is very similar to Leo's, another rider with a great bag of tricks. Personally though, I felt the level of riding in this video was overshadowed by the fact it felt like a danny mac tribute video of some sort... Inspiration from other riders is great, imitation however doesn't work as well... Wasn't a fan of the number of clips that weren't pulled that made it into the video too. Pretty negative comments here - Fabio is a great rider but it'd be good to see him develop his own style. – I really enjoyed the light hearted approach to riding from Sean, having fun on his bike rather than trying to learn the latest trick or get an extra inch on his side hop. Arguably the most creative use of a trials bike out of all the entries and another rider who's taking street trials in a new direction. – I can honestly say I had no idea what to expect next the first time I watched the video. The variety of Tony's riding was rad! Highly original rider doing his own thing, riding whatever he wants. Another great example of a trials bike being used in creative, new ways. – Safe to say that no one has put this much effort into their video! The song, the lines and the random “kluge” type bits were awesome. This video epitomises what the comp is all about! Erik – Some nice and clean tgs here with a good bit of “rolling” trials mixed in. High quality video though it seemed like the camera was too close most of times, it would have been good to see more of each shot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl92ViicRuk – This one brings me back to the point I made about Leon's video, creativity is not just about the riding, a lot of the times it's more to do with what you ride. In this case, an awesome backyard set up used to it's full potential! Really techy riding and a great set up!
  10. Come down South instead, problem solved
  11. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-Vegas-Studio-Platinum-Production/dp/B0051M6IPI/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1382481736&sr=8-2&keywords=sony+vegas+movie+studio+hd+platinum+12 Basically Sony Vegas just without the really advanced bits you probably would never use anyway. I bought this when my vegas trial ran out and honestly couldn't tell the difference!
  12. That's true but the guys you mentioned came from a time before the web videos took over, they're the real pros in my eyes. There's a whole army of 3 pegged street pros nowadays who will probably be forgotten a couple of days after their last web video. Oh and Van's section in the new fit dvd is supposed to be his best one yet, well looking forward to that!
  13. Yeah I guess it was a wise move on his behalf really, bmx careers don't last long at all unless you're one of the top guys. Even then, once your knees start to give up after 25 there'll be 10 other guys ready to take your place
  14. Eli was a beast, his shadow into the void section was amazing! I think he quit so he could get on with his degree whereas with Ian it was a complete lifestyle change, he went into farming full time
  15. Oh that's rad, would love to have met him! Have you read his Albion interview by any chance? And yeah, rad section, there's another good one with the band of horses tune
  16. Oh that's rad to hear there's someone else who came from BMX! And I'm pretty much on the same boat as you, used to have a coaster when I first started riding a few years ago, I spent hours on youtube watching all of Bruce Crisman's, Ian's and Karl Poynter's videos!
  17. haha I did indeed! Cool little video though - wasn't too keen on the "no bmx" on the wall however! haha
  18. Really into that, simple but cool. Have you ever seen this part? Similar style in a way, not too many tricks just interesting lines
  19. I'm not that bothered, the 3 is still great and I just don't see the point in upgrading to the 3+- may as well just wait for the 4 I've seen those about, what's the quality like?
  20. They're rad, can't wait till the 4 comes out!
  21. I got bored earlier so I started making stuff, made this quick and easy handle bar/frame mount out of an old bike light bracket, 1/4" coarse screw and the tripod mount. Works surprisingly well, if you use some inner tube to wrap round the bars it doesn't move when you hop around. Cheap and easy alternative to the proper mount you buy for like 20 quid
  22. You should do a tour of the UK for sure, would be rad to see this live
  23. I did think that but then there's a number of people doing the judging so my opinion is not really an indication of who may or may not win. That's good feedback though, if people agree with you I'll take those down until after the results!
  24. Hi there, I was asked by Ben Rowlands if I could judge the sponsored videos in this year's GC comp as someone who comes from a BMX background. The videos are judged according to style, creativity and overall video production but I felt like including a little paragraph with each one rather than just 3 scores from 0-10. I will send those to Ben along with the scores but if anyone is interested I could also post them here as a form of feedback? (I will not show the scores, just a few sentences about each video) If there's anyone who thinks it's not the best idea give me a shout, if not I should have them on here shortly - I'm just double checking everything at the moment. Sam just made a good point, the summaries did pretty much indicate who my favourites were so I'll keep those to myself until all the scores have been put together!
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