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Everything posted by spunkey_monkey_boy

  1. well i wanted to explore down the side of the mersey see if theres anything sweet. i know theres a big prom (cant remember the name now) thats got shit loads of rocks along it and that theres a sweet bouldering area near by so maybe there'll be some riding there too. either that or we go to that park thats out of the city to the north where theres all that crazy red sadn stone thats amazing for riding...
  2. i love the way all the scousers get more scouse the more they have to drink.... my missus starts going scouse on me when she's pissed and shes only lived there 18months!!!
  3. hey aust yeah man get down to llamberis this weekend, the riding there is possibly better than ogwen believe it or not!!! we'll be riding llandudno fri evening if you wana make it a multi day thing (Y)
  4. a sticky - might work but personally i've never even remember to look at the stickies let alone read them...
  5. good godd, plenty of riders coming out for this ride i see :blink: the merseytrial lot should be out too. is everyone up for a bit of out of town exploring or does everyone want to stick to where we know theres riding?
  6. the price is £4.95 i think, basically you just buy a day rover ticket that allows you to get on and off buses all day, its the same price as a return to pen y pass. right the bus leaves from the stop by the palladium in llandudno at 9.50 so we need to be there at 9.30 to get snacks and make sure we're all there for the bus. the ticket is a red rover for the day and costs £4.95. the return bus leaves at 17.45 (5.45) and gets us home for 7pm. we get 6 1/2 hours riding which is not bad :blink: see y'all there tom
  7. moto trials one from colwyn bay motorcycles :blink:
  8. or just get a hub with the disk mounts built into it and don't f**k arse around bodging things... speak to cleanbikes about the monty hubs...
  9. they could well be the ones, the last pic i saw wasn't nearly as close up as that one... i believe i'm right in saying if you buy them off adam you get change from a fiver!!!
  10. no the toxsin grips are actually different from all other grips i've ever seen. this is only going from the piccy i've seen but imagine a set of rogues had it off with a set of durango's and you ended up with a hybrid of the two. some blocks and some little pimples, looks really nice to use and i can't wait to get them on my bike because the durango's although good really dont last at all!!! if you want any more info on them speak to adam (shop@merseytrial) and he should be able to give you the lowdown on them :blink:
  11. all of the north wales lads ride on specialized durango's but i'm hearing good things about the new toxsin grips, just waiting for mine to come in and then i'll put a full review up :blink:
  12. you won't regret it (so long as the weathers good, which it will be :blink: )
  13. its similar rock to ogwen but in a steeper valley which makes for cool level sections in the valley floor and crazy steeper sections the further up you go (until it turns into rock face). its the next valley over from ogwen and on one side the valley goes up to snowdon. driving there you go along the A55, take the same turn off you do for Ogwen (the second bangor turn off) and then at the mini round about instead of going straight over on the A5 you turn left and follow the signs fior Llamberis. when you get to Llamberis you drive straight through the town and then out the other side and your in the pass. we'll be starting from the top and working our way down... phil - call me if you are coming so i can explain directions a bit better the top circle is ogwen the lower and larger circle is Llamberis pass
  14. yawn i'd rather fill the place with rocks and mud and ride indoor natural all day and dirt jump all evening. when bits break phone clive and ask him to build you new ones (Y) if he can't do it phone phil and buy new bits off him then carry on riding :sick: now that would be a warehouse worth seeing...
  15. am i the only one who thinks 'great its a fooking warehouse - yawn'???
  16. well there it is, this sat we're going to Llamberis pass, its even better than ogwen for trials and you can get the bus there with your bike. anyone interested needs to meet us at Pen-y-pass at 11.30 or be in llandudno by 9.15 to catch the bus with us however theres only room for about 5 bikes and theres 3 of us going so don't even think about trying to take my place on the bus cos i'll slap you :blink: sorry for the short notice, only decided tonight tom
  17. a bike operated dildo, with demonstrating young lady. rather amusing but not suitable for the forum due to youngsters...
  18. every thread wouldn't be an advert because phil and adam are grown up enough not to turn TF into a tartybikes/selectbikes advertising board. as far as i can see thats the simplest way of allowing paying advertisers advertise their goods and getting the info to the riders straight from the horses (or lanky gingers) mouth :D hopefully tom and danny will read this thread and take into consideration the coments that have been posted.
  19. what for real? thats your missus? well funny the way she's so sweaty and not concentrating on the path ahead in the last pic... (link no doubt soon to be removed) (wanking material has arrived)
  20. hasn't someone on the forum already ordered one? phil have you sold any yet? sweet looking frame and if i wasn't completely in love with my old school leeson i'd probably be on may way to phil with a large sum of money. i'd love to ride one as soon as theres one owned by a TF user we want a review :) oh yeah and phil/tart have either of you got pics of it fully built?
  21. well in that case you just tell tart, phil, adam (merseytrial), fred, barbara etc etc that they cannot make and post or comment on anything that they sell and are not allowed to mention their site/shop in any way shape or form. that fair phil - thats f**king classic mate, 'he started it' is the best line ever! and i know its asking for trouble but i wanted to vent my anger at not being able to look at new parts without having to read the f**king argument... anyway phil pays for his banner, dan ko i believe does not have a banner and has got away with dodgy advertising before so maybe you should leave phil alone and go whinge at dan... if someone pays for a banner then why the f**k can't they say - oh yeah and BTW that frames now available from here...
  22. i've read the first 2 1/2 pages of this and as usual its seems top be petty pointless shit! if anyone decides to be this much of a cock at a freeridetrials_club event i'll probably politely ask them to f**k off home. these events are supposed to be enjoyable and theres alot of hard work goes into them. yet again i find myself disliking comments put by 2 people i like, aust i think your sound but your being f**king petty in here, wayne your also sound and it pisses me off to see the shit that you seem to be put through, i'm guessing its personal from someone else because there always seem to be knobs giving you shit at trials. put it like this, i'm a part of the biketrialUK committee and if i had to chose between two riders to be seeded and one was a whinging moaning b*****d who was spoiling comps for everyone and the other was a friendly and helpful guy then guess who i'd put down to be seeded... shut the f**k up whinging and ride you bunch of girls!!! (awaits verbal abuse :) )
  23. yeah i'm tom so your talking 25 canadian dollars. i'll definately become your uk importer mate. thats a fooking bargain and even when you add import tax etc they'll still be cheap and oober sexy :P
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