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Everything posted by spunkey_monkey_boy

  1. sorry - shit reasoning there, think about supply and demand and re think what you've just said! other comments so far - no ones asking you to quit trials and take up horticulture, what i'm asking is do you think about it and could you/would you make small changes to your everyday life to be more environmentally friendly?
  2. i'm not thinking on the whole 'taking the sport to a wider audience' etc i'm talking about how environmentally damaging annodising is, how shipping frames from taiwan/china half way accross the world isn't very eco friendly either, how driving 400miles to ride your bike for a few hours at a comp is a massive waste of fuel - something that is now running out) etc etc doesn anyone on here ever think about the environmental impact of our sport and our actions? does anyone actually care or are there too many arrogant teenagers who have the 'why should i give a shit about the environment' attitude? how many of the trials companies and shops have any possitive environmental plans - do any of you re cycle or demand your products are sent to you misus a load of the un needed packaging. do any of you calcuate your carbon emmission and do anything about it? use re cycled paper? use the train not the car? discuss
  3. when you spent an afternoon snapping all the teath off your middle ring and filing smooth to use as a rock ring - and then bent it the next day! when you took one bike to a race and entered the trials comp, the xc race and the dh race - and had the best weekend racing of your life! when ashton and haywes rode for specialized when marzochi's came with disk mounts on both the left and right fork leg and having them on your 'trials' bike was essential when you saw the advert for 'teraplanes'? (those triangular flexible plastic things that went on your downtube by your cranks so you could roll over big stuff without hitting your chainring) and thought it was the best bit of kit ever and how great it was there were trials parts available in mbuk. and the found out they snapped if you were anything but baby gentle with them your bike wasn't a trials bike without a dcd and if you were clever and bought a £1 union jack sticker and put it on your dcd you were the cool one cos your dcd was the same as ashtons and you couldn't buy them anywhere... oh the days still got one and my union jack dcd oh yeah and giant box 3's with the top bit of the seat tube cut off to make the frame smaller. and use forks that creaked really really badly but were still the shit and when onza only made canti brakes and grips when peugot brought out a trials bike for about £500 and i thought it was the best thing ever - til we realised it was made up of road parts 'which are obviously not strong enough for trials'
  4. no bike til the new beast arrives
  5. hey craig - you still buying that boulder mat? its sat in my mums shop waiting for you whenever your down there just let me know yeah cheers tom
  6. i think the reasons for the price hike are justifyable and most of all honest so in no way am i challenging the reasons. unfortunately though i feel the price hike to £300+ is going to loose some riders interest, i was dead set on getting a iolo once i'd got geo sorted (which has now been going on for about 6 months) but the hike to £300+ has made me have to stop and re consider. the frame will definately still be worth the money and i know i wont get as good a bike for the money however i also know i can't justify spending over £300 on my next frame. hopefully i am a rarity and the majority of riders will be able to justify the extra £90 because the frames are excellent and the value for money is spot on. best of luck and my envy goes out to anyone who does get a iolo
  7. my girlfriends at sheffield uni and my bike comes on visits every now and then. if i keep the trials bike and dont stick to dirty riding i'll be up for a few sessions. pm me a contact number so i can get in touch if i'm coming over
  8. if you boys wana do saturday go for it, i wont be there though as i've got meetings in manchester followed by work at the velodrome
  9. righto, nott been out riding trials for ages, bikes now for sale but we'll give it one last blast before i give up and go over to dirt riding for good. anyone up for a ride? was thinking of starting at limestreet at say 12noon (tell the merseytrial boys its an 11 start and they might be on time) n see where we go. i know fridays aren't great but small groups are always better for rides than the hordes and the little ones won't be able to come because there in school so maybe we can avoid the immaturity of some rides tom
  10. save space for my tent wherever everyone ends up camping and send us a contact number so i can get in touch and meet up. might have the bike but will be on photography duty for most of the weekend...
  11. after 12 years of riding all sorts of bikes i went back off an echo control to a monty with bb drop and am riding so much better. stuff the fact it doesn't have conventional modern geo, go for it and rip it, it'll be great fun
  12. i've got dreads and love em, had them put it (backcombed etc) and they're growing well now. get a fellow dread head to put em in for you, i'd do it for you but i'm guessing you live nowhere near me! oh yeah and make sure your hair is plenty long enough or they'll look pretty shitty for a while before they've grown to a good length
  13. very swish, you interested in building another site? check my thread in here about free helmets if you are
  14. get her to suck you off and 'acidentally' pull out at the last moment (you get the picture)... then pull up your trousers and walk away, that'll have the desired effect.
  15. if you want an external flash i have both the flash and the sensor and i dont expect to need either so if you want them give me a call n we'll sort out a deal for some parts no doubt...
  16. explain... take a look at any of my bikes and try acusing me of giving a shit what any of them look like...
  17. righto, basically LAS need a website update big time. the current website looks like this: www.lashelmets.co.uk and in my opinion its crap so anyone who thinks they can improve it is welcome to pm me or reply here. whoever we chose to do the work on the site will get a free helmet and muchos LAS love. get thinking and if you've got any of your work you can show me i'd apreciate it alot tom oh yeah and reply here aswell as pming me, that way i can keep tabs on everything a bit better, cheers
  18. or just stop worrying what it looks like and go ride...
  19. its f**king great, i love it, its so nice i'm using it for everything, road, commutting, xc, play and even a bit of jump! if you want rid of your inbred let me know, the young lady might be interested, we'll look like twats on matching bikes but i'll just re spray mine
  20. yeah craig i thought it was you but its always better to look forgetful than stupid... yeah man that indoor event was the one, that vid will always bring happy time flooding back, i can't believe how late iolo, ali, sam and i stayed there one night! still riping the course hard at 3am!!! those were the days, a huge thank you to everyone who made them as great as they were tom
  21. nope, long gone my man - silly busy bugger that i am! CBproductions - if you dont know about the problems its probably best that you continue not to. ignorance is bliss and all that...
  22. sorry to iolo for being impatient and buying a 29er off brant instead of getting iolo to build me one and build the bike myself. i'll buy my next frame off you big man - give that foot some love so we can ride next time i'm ooop north now i'd like a sorry off all the assholes who are ruining trials in the UK please, you know who you are!!!
  23. what i find really interesting is none of the people who are ruining our sport have the balls to respond to anything thats been said here or in the freeridetrials_club closure topic... maybe we've shamed them into silence, hopefully now they'll grow up and stop f**king up our sport... wayne - your a legend mate, if there were more of you and less of some others this sport would be one of the best in the uk, you'll see me around and i'll probably pop up to the odd event to help out and make sure the little ones keep riding hard but i'm out of competeing and organising tom
  24. ben - totally forgot about your northerners, sorry dude pete - its in my room and for the delay i'll make sure another one wings its way to you wayne - pm'd you mate it certainly is sad but as ben so rightly said people need to get out of their own asses before this sport will ever suceed
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