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About spunkey_monkey_boy

  • Birthday 08/06/1983

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  • Real Name
    Tom Johnstone
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    trials - monty 221pr park - STP xc - on-one 456 commute - on-one 29er freeride - foes zig zag
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    mountain biking
    sea kayaking
    snow boarding
    enjoying the great outdoors
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spunkey_monkey_boy's Achievements

Trials Elite

Trials Elite (6/9)



  1. We've now got in stock the full Exposure Demo pack, one of every light they make - that's a lot of illumination and it's all available for YOU to hire, demo or use on any of our night riding courses. follow us on twitter for updates @thecarbonmonkey join our facebook group here: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=339502923631 call us on 07794 931192 or contact us via email on: tom@carbon-monkey.co.uk Night riding courses will be run every tuesday evening around birmingham and on the weekends all over the country, just get in touch if you want us to come ride your neck of the woods Tom Director, guide and tea maker www.carbon-monkey.co.uk
  2. As the evenings are drawing in and we're having to ride street under streetlamps or switch discipline maybe now is the time to spread your wings and try something new? At carbon-monkey we offer professional MTB skills coaching and guiding in all disciplines but at this time of year we start to get excited about the darkness and the new fun it can add to your riding. It's now finally getting dark enough early enough to go night riding and with a shiny new demo pack of Exposure lights on their way we can't wait to get out on the trails after dark - and you're invited. We're offering fully guided night rides, night riding skills courses as well as light hire and demo's, just get in touch to tell us where and when you want to ride. And if you're still keen to get better while the sun is up all our skills courses carry on running right up until the snow is on the ground (when we switch to winter skills courses) so whether you want to get some trail riding experience or have some specific trials skills coaching analysis then we have something to offer you. Keep your eye on the site or drop me an email to get on the mailing list (and find out about free places on skills courses, group discounts and more) www.carbon-monkey.co.uk tom@carbon-monkey.co.uk
  3. Hi Guys and Gals Toward the end of last year a new MTB coaching and guiding company was set up and is focussed on giving high quality skills coaching sessions. Up until now we've been focussing more on the XC, DH and trail riding sectors but have years of trials riding experience and very high level coaching and riding analysis skills so if anyone wanted to up their game for the competition season or even just wanted to boost their personal skill base we'll design a days coaching around your needs. Take a look at the website but for anything trials based or street riding you're probbly best off emailing me directly to discuss your needs. Enjoy your riding Tom www.carbon-monkey.co.uk tom@carbon-monkey.co.uk
  4. I'm moving to the cotswolds next week and getting a new trials bike and want to get out training / riding on plenty of natural through the winter, anyone got any suggestions for places to ride in / around the cotswolds, stratford, evesham, gloucestershire, oxfrodshire areas? Cheers T ps: been off the bike for years so no comp level stuff required, areas with easy natural so i can re learn and train would be ideal
  5. any feedback on what the bikes ride like would be good, i can't remember what difference to ride a longer wheelbase/higher bb etc makes. been looking at 2nd hand koxx xtp's new echo lite new kamel 218 new monty 221pr all seem to be within my budget on full bike or as a frame to then build. anything that rides like an xtp would be great, if not i seem to recal the 221pr being a nice ride. cheers T
  6. so its been about 3 years since i last rode trials and i miss it. back in the day i rode stock but want to get back into mod riding. used to love the xtp short mod, otherwise favorite bike was a control short or long, loved them both for different things. have been looking around and thinking about getting a monty 219 from tarty. i'm 6'1" and plan to ride mostly natural. opening up this can of worms to any comments people have, need to get up to date should i try and find an old xtp mod 2nd hand or buy the monty new? upper price limit is 500 and way back then i never found an onza i liked hence not yet looking at them suggestions?
  7. how are you supposed to measure the daimeter of the wheel, in cm's, mm's, inches or groats? ta
  8. bollocks is it not bad, speak to trading standards and the HSE and see where you stand legally. they might have to give you a refund less a small amount for the use you've had although its still within its 12 month manufacturers warrenty that all products sold in the UK must have by law and therefor its a new free frame for you i'd say. put some legal pressure on ko bikes, half price is shit, all it means is that they don't make any profit off the second frame but the manufacturer still gets their cut. that looks like manufacturing fault in which case they obliged to repair or replace
  9. i f**king hope that was good editing not good timing either way it got the response it wanted, won't forget that vid for a while...
  10. my personal gripe with onza has never been with their production methods because all the bike companies are as bad as each other, what has always put my back up is the twatish attitude a number of onza staff and riders have had towards us wee minions poopie - i'd strongly recomend you stay away from this idea, you'd be better off going into partnership with iolo or one of the other uk steel frame makers and bringing out something with sweet geo and 50 at a time for less than the one offs cost... or stick to selling drugs and spend the rest of your life lookin over your shoulder... anyone recognise this one - http://www.biketaiwan.com/New/Script/query...BCNP004-B01-013
  11. maybe the key to sorting this out and would be to organise a shuttle vehicle from silsden and encourage the cycle trials riders to travel by train. this would have a more possitive environmental impact (both a good thing and a good case to argue) and would cut the traffic on the road. it would take more organisation but surely addingham is worth it? if addingham is to be re accessed everybody needs to work together to reduce the number of vehicles going up there, far too often people (in general) travel with only a half full car, maybe eveyone should consider a bike rack and 4 riders in every car or better a minibus of 15 with a roof rack or trailer... also anyone who thinks driving scally cars up and down or mass bike protests will do anything at this earl;y stage has no concept of the realities of protests or how to work them in your favour. any actions such as this will close the subject completely and ruin it permenantly. the way forward is to complete a petition and write to the land owner and the house owner expressing your concens about the closure and give them some alternatives. it may be that access can be granted once a month for competition use, not great but better than nothing and a place to start from. if (for example) there was no movement on their part for 6+ months then it may be worthwhile looking into alternative more direct action however i would strongly suggest an exoperienced activist is approached and the legal issues are reviewed before such activity. if this situation ever were to arrise i'm more than willing to take up the role of exploring this side of things as i have some experience in this field anyway however this should be A LAST RESORT AFTER FULL DEMOCRATIC ATTMEPTS HAVE BEEN TRIED.
  12. chain reaction do fork spare parts so take a look on there and see if they have any legs that would do the job. can you also give iolo a kick and get him to return my phone calls? i've spent the last 10 weeks trying to get hold of him and he doesn't answer his phone cheers
  13. sidehop to shin, about an inch long hole/gash in his legs that i thought needed stitching so he called his sister and got taken away to be sewn back up again...
  14. that was me not only was i riding when i should have been with her but riding the bike shes just bought me hows the leg joe? get any stitches? you made it through hospital bloody quick, i rekon you couldn't have been there more than 3 hours...
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