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Everything posted by Alex.loves.boys

  1. hi im wanting to spray my bike a differnt coulour but i cant choose i was wondrering if anyone would please like to photoshop it in a few differnt coulours? and give me any ideas? i was thinking wheres its blue do it black and re do the silver/grey bits white or as they are thanks
  2. does anyone rember that website called sidehop? im sure it was called that anyway
  3. i take it youve never seen leon ill give you an idea
  4. basically ive finsished college now and dont really want to go back to college or sixth form. i want to get into a job where im going to get paid to learn and get a job at the end of it. i was lookin on the police recruitment site and was wondering what grades e.t.c you actually need to join? i know someone on here is a pco so if he could help thanks
  5. done a virus and spyware scan and its fixed now
  6. what the hell? i went to type something into my address bar and its all coming out backwards, literally, but for some reason it types perfectly fine here(bebo) ive had to type this here and then copy and paste it back into t-f. anyone know whats happened? if i right and it will come out like dna and i cant use the backspace button either? help me please
  7. its in most sweets get over it
  8. Met him in bristol once. gave him some pedals lol such a shame rip
  9. wasnt amied at you but yeh
  10. duno what trailer you watched but from the trailer i can tell that same gets out of prision and there going to get there own back on him im going to whatch it later on tonight cant wait. and for u stuck up twats up there moaning about english just shut up.
  11. l,ooks AWSOME with all the blackness then the silver frame nice one(Y)
  12. Alex.loves.boys


    ben the size of you id of thought your been nearly hitting 18"..
  13. i ran the same maggie for 3 year with water in still fine to this day oil feels wank your pads dont return quick enough water is better
  14. you make me sick take a f**kign bat round and GET the bike back bebo will do f**k all expcet make him fell happy cause he knows ur to pussy to do anything about it. now get a bat and go
  15. actually james can ride naturaul well to
  16. i love how you say"most of it was when he was 14" no one cares but good riding same old vid wise black and white slow mo noo good
  17. same they were poo they had bounce but to much of it you rim out on everything even when ur tyres hard and there shit for puncutres get the new monty tyres there awsume
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