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Everything posted by Alex.loves.boys

  1. why not sponser someone who hasnt already got loads
  2. WOOOOO No more woryyin about getin a job if it does happen ahaha
  3. strong and light? very high bb?
  4. Is it really bad that i read the title and instantly knew it was bad news? so sad x
  5. u mean whacking it in neutral down hills?
  6. plus he never had over 15psi?
  7. Good read thanks for that Im after some protein shakes but havnt a clue where to start or what to get?
  8. thing is most things leon has bike wise are shit
  9. sheepstor is actually awsome i went there years ago but there parking at the bottom of the hill and from what i rmeeber TONEs of riding also minons? speak to gylnn he lives down the road and theres f**k loads of good riding there
  10. your the one who said "SAY PLEASE U f**kING IDOT "allong those lines anyway
  11. take those stupid bands of they wont make you ride liek stan
  12. Im going to post all your numbers on a dating website brb Jammy expect a e-mail soon
  13. Ive sprayed it black and silver now. Thanks to everyone that done the photoshopping for me and mark king. f**k of u gimp your up your own f**kign ass no one is every good enough you a patronising twat and i dont care if thats spelt wrong if youve never got anything to say then dont cause no cares about your stupid moaning and i bet i get warned for this but you can call me a f**king twat all day long and get f**k all
  14. THANKS BEN Could someone do it all black?
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