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Everything posted by Alex.loves.boys

  1. try co op insurance and also its sometimes cheaper to be fully comp
  2. i remeber in 2003 when i just used to visit that site every day love it
  3. f**k Saturday, Sunday is where it's at
  4. wow get on alex some good stuff in there see you satuyrday hopefully, catch up time i think haha xx
  5. mine done this when it came loose it also then fell apart just do the lockring up should be sound
  6. find it crap ive not watched a whole episode because i get bored?
  7. drink gone to myhead thanks abbe nice name;)
  8. ha\ving riden bvoth if say GU LE the ko is allot stiffier though depends if you want simlair length to your zona then the ko
  9. Looks the same as it did ages ago just a propa back brake nice one matt btw ive got a bike agian
  10. Bleed it in the sink. whack it all off, fill your sink up, submerge your brake under water and undo the bolts, cover the hole where the bolt would be on the lever with your finger and then squeeze the brake, take your finger off and then let go do this a few times, put the bolt back into the lever then the bolt into the pods, job done.
  11. thing with"notched" are that you can end up one notch being to loose and one to tight ive used try-all smooths and they where perfectly fine
  12. Should havre a bike by then do it on a sunday so pengelly can come
  13. its going to piss down its hammering down now and is very windy good luck guys
  14. you say that they sent me a echo rim instead of a echo tyre..it said ali packed it and that stan checked it or the other way round dont see how they made that mistake but i benifited from that becuase i only payed 20 for it but still
  15. old but still he makes me wet
  16. f**kjing pimp! take that booster of cause you dont need it
  17. shes a f**king fruit cake ah well best get started again cheers
  18. Hi earlier i typed my mums cv up. my sister has "accidently" saved over it and i need it back? can i do it?? ive tried going on track changes? but i havnt a clue really. thanks x
  19. i went to a mates house, there was 5 of us they was drinking but i couldnt as i had to drive home so went home at 10 and went to bed what a SHIT night
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