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Everything posted by Alex.loves.boys

  1. the bastards said they was riding plymouth! and u said u was gunna take me
  2. so glad its sunday im working saturday thought i couldnt make it but yeh ill be there
  3. Ohh my!! youve actually given me a reaosn to go out and get better that was your best ive ever seen u ride see u Monday u beauty
  4. Darren was thinking of it, im well up for it
  5. Who's up for plymouth this Sunday Usal time (11) copthorne
  6. haha im shit now so dont worry no one else seems to like it though haha
  7. Just wanted to whack em together so i could delet the clips, nothing special but hey ho thanks
  8. nice one mikeee loved the tune too come plymouth
  9. lol leons back at it sorry ive been no help but i seen it coming
  10. Im more intrested in your avatar...
  11. Dont use anything put them on and they will stay on i see no reason to use anything if there VERY tight then spit in them and let it dry such a fuss over putting grips on...
  12. me, tyler and matt are out tomrow so yes 11 copthorn
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