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Everything posted by nicolasp1405

  1. But finally it doenst seem that it will be available that soon...
  2. for shure before christmas, it's been scheduled for this week!
  3. Hi, Well i'm sutck in a weird situation, i'm selling my bike, one guy was really interrested in it. But getting the money for it looks like much of a pain in the ass...I told him i'm okay and i'll keep the bike.. And then there is that other guy that I met today and tried my bike, he seem like a better person( very friendly, wants to get in the sport, less trouble and not always trying to deal an other price) , he could get the money for it really easely ,and I feel more like wanting to sell it to him cause he's very friendly on the bike, the first one, I feel more like he would destroy it witch I dont want , cause I still like that bike . So what should I do, I cant just tell the first one that I dont want to sell him the bike at the end... What should I do?!?!
  4. Getting my Arcade in 2 weeks!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nicolasp1405
    3. FamilyBiker


      hopefully your dealer doesnt blend it with other bikes ;)

    4. nicolasp1405


      i'm shure he wont ;)

  5. if shorter end seem to be always better, why didnt they do the first generation skye like that instead?
  6. Ok i'll try that! I guess that when yu get more used to it you can do it lower as in videos they dont seem to go hight...
  7. no, actually its pretty clear, I go up a flat banc and turn at the top to end back ward on the front wheel on the flat up of it.... do I use my brakes?
  8. so i go up a flat banc, put the brake and try to go down backward on my front wheel?
  9. great, now the arcade!!!! :bow: :bow:,
  10. oh big anouncment! From what my dealer told me, Dave from inspired told him it was going to be release next week!! I really hope its true!!
  11. oh, by the way for those interrested the new skye team geo is now online..
  12. Sorry but I just dont understand... when I pivot and leave the brake the back goes down..
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