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Everything posted by manuel

  1. manuel

    TF Makers

    Quick question - floor finishes - I was going to use wax again but figured a varnish might be harder wearing (it’s outside after all and hopefully a workshop) anyone have any experience of the industrial type 2-part ones, and whether or not it’s worth doing, or whether something like the bona mega varnish might be good enough?
  2. That blows. Bit of a swizz, if they take the money in advance - you may as well just take a smaller mortgage
  3. As in they didn’t do what they said they did or it didn’t make any difference?
  4. Yes and no. For a lot of people it’s the only way in to buy, so there is usually a big queue to get in on it, which generally means they are hideously overpriced. Cheap cheap rent on the bit you don’t own makes it sort of affordable to buy, but gotta be careful of the management fees / charges as some can be crazy money, and usually run by big companies who don’t always do the best job. nought wrong with flats/apartments though. Just the hassle/extra cost of management fees, but if done properly takes away the cost of building maintenance.
  5. manuel

    TF Makers

    taking my time this time round, also turns out the blocks need slightly more prep.
  6. I wonder if it’s possible to calculate the theoretical maximum speed in relation to wind speed? it’s a bit of a mind melt.
  7. Front wheel was useful for more than just bashing into stuff.
  8. Don’t they have to work pretty hard to take your deposit? I thought all the rule changes meant that they had to prove actual damage or a total lack of cleaning? edit: either way you should fight them to the end if they do try!
  9. Not sure if I’ve read this wrong, but you pay mortgage at the end of the first full month, so you shouldn’t be in too bad a state? Also that sweet sweet deposit money coming back in helps!
  10. manuel

    TF Makers

    Classic tradesmen…. my usual electrician didn’t do this job it was one of his guys though… Measure twice… I guess partly my fault as I thought the armoured cable could go rear entry, but still they cut that hole so close to the socket it wouldn’t have stayed in the wall. luckily that’s where they left it for the day so I changed the board. It would have been a complete pig to repair after they finished. It took 10 minutes…
  11. Treated to myself to some of the new Sony in-ears and they are pretty good. The start talking to get ambient sound pumped in is pretty awesome.
  12. manuel

    TF Makers

    fully clad and finished most of a coat of treatment (2 to go ), fitted the isolator for the ac, and finished the main boarding ready for the electrician. Might do the floor next as a break and to get rid of some of the big piles of parquet blocks.
  13. I’m disappointed that you didn’t go straight in with a pussy joke.
  14. manuel

    TF Makers

    Been working on the shed a bit this week. Progress is slow but I’ve nearly got the cables in and the boarding out is somewhat done. got the lights working too. I can now shout at the google lady to control them or have them trigger off motion or door sensors.
  15. Haha, I guess I was happier with the media part of the riding I did! And technically I was videographer for the team as well as rider, so maybe the money was for that bit mostly if you slice it down, there were tons of people who could have done what I was doing, but didn’t. It did feel a bit embarrassing sometimes, like at the bike shows/demos. It’s interesting, today as a rider if you want a steady income you kinda need to be producing content very very regularly, which isn’t always great for quality. Maybe that’s part of the big gap problem, people without the backing have less opportunity to create the Uber banger that they are capable of, and the big boys get ever increasing budgets and can create mind melting stuff that puts them further out in front?
  16. Christ! I’ve only just come across this thread, I’m genuinely shocked about the DH salaries. On the other hand, stuff that doesn’t count as wages can really stack up, transport, clothing other equipment and more bikes and spares than it would be possible to ride and break. I’m not sure if this is still the same but hope used to expect riders sell their team hope stuff on as they didn’t used to pay anyone, but were happy to give away boatloads of stuff. I guess it further confirms how ridiculously lucky I was when I joined Ashtonbikes. I got paid (not much but was able to do a full time job at the same time!), got loads of stuff and had lots of fun. And looking back had no right to it given my level
  17. manuel


    Gotta say I’m a bit gutted Ricciardo is getting stuffed. He dispatched Vettel at Redbull and has always been fast/fun to watch and can overtake. It’s a shame he is so far off it.
  18. manuel


    Not sure I would if I were Lewis. By the time Russell is up to pace and experience, and can win races Hamilton will be out front. Russell would take team orders and would maybe be more likely to take points off the opposition.
  19. You and Mike look without those replies...
  20. manuel


    Trouble is for bottas now is he is so far behind, and so clearly slower that if he doesn’t follow team orders and let Hamilton through (because it’s gonna be close this year) Mercedes won’t really have any choice but to ditch him mid season. It could get mighty awkward at merc this year if bottas happens to find some pace at a couple of races. put Russell in and just say “this year if Hamilton is a place behind you you have to let him past.”
  21. manuel


    Meh - I was pretty happy merc won - I think I dislike max/Redbull more than I do merc/Hamilton (just). And he overtook on track ***. Is it just me or did merc hand verstappen fastest lap (or a very good shot at it) again? As soon as they pitted bottas they handed max a free stop if he got overtaken. They nailed Hamilton’s strategy to win but bottas is just dead weight at the moment - he nearly took Hamilton out by not moving over and can’t get anywhere near fastest laps. If it were my team Russell would be in now.
  22. Electric planer lasted about 20 blocks before death, and the hand planer was pretty much 1 and belt sander is almost 1 tbf the tool that broke did the whole first batch of around 1500 a load of work over the years then 600 of these blocks - it’s just I had not intended to ever get a new one as all the major jobs in the house are near enough done! It just all seems to be going wrong and costing time and dollar at just the wrong moment.
  23. Gut feeling is it’s going to be too gunky for a cabinet scraper to work. Without a powered tool you just end up with the tool sticking to the blocks after you’ve done a couple. there’s also an added complication that quite a few blocks have got some subfloor still on them too! in an ideal world I’d have a planer/thicknesser but I’m not sure how that would fair with gunk build up and heat melting it all together. Also too many$$$
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