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manuel last won the day on February 13

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About manuel

  • Birthday 03/05/1982

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    Bloody Bristol

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Too Much Spare Time

Too Much Spare Time (7/9)



  1. That’s bloody lovely!
  2. 1997 beast of the east…
  3. I accidentally another cannondale…
  4. Just as an update to no one who is interested. I bought the hassns pro7s for the cannondale and I have been riding very very low level trials on them for 6months with no issues. I’ve also been running some goldix super light dt copies on the road bike for over a year. The only issue is the bearings died in the goldix (pretty much no sealing) both are loud as f**k but have never skipped (touch wood). Bearings are pretty much the only thing I’m worried about in the hassns but there is pretty much zero chance of riding them in the rain 🤣
  5. Massive bump, but did anything come of this? Has anyone managed to mod those forks into 1 1/8th steerer rigid?
  6. finally built a case. its not really a lot smaller but its a lot better. It looks shit in the pictures as I cba to clean it up but it is way better to use. I also upgraded it so it's now Spotify connect capable which is a bit of a bonus.
  7. Can you not just drain the system down?
  8. How anyone voted for him at all, regardless of their political leanings is a mystery to me. He is unable to function as a human being in society, let alone run it. A quick google on any of his incredible random ramblings proves that. My particular favourite is trump on sharks and electric boats in full. It doesn’t make me happy but it does make me laugh. What does make me happy is… My headshok damper is now full of oil again, the fork seems to hold some air and is pretty smooth. Combined with the bearing service it’s actually working pretty well! Crap trials riding back on.
  9. So the aging headshok damper that I have been servicing had somehow become pressurised and exploded what little (filthy) oil it had left in it all over the walls, so I have to repaint them 🤦‍♂️
  10. So the bottom one clamps the inner bearing races to the machined out slots in the fork. The top bit holds the needle bearings in the right spot so when you slide over the steerer with the outer bearing races in they kinda roll together in exactly the right spot. It’s a mahoosive faff/impossible without them! Ideally I’ll print some kinda expanding wedge to hold the outer bearing races in the steerer but I just used an old inner tube pumped up. now all I need is to print another tool and get some 5wt oil to top up the damper and it’ll actually be pretty good again! Not that it needs to be for trials 🤣 it kinda unassembled itself on a ride internally, so I’m over the moon to get it running again!
  11. The cannondale had some err issues, so I’ve had to print some tools to help with putting it back together. So far going well, and cheaper than the insane $100 dollars some dude on eBay wants for them.
  12. manuel


    If mclaren keep f**king themselves up with terrible decision making, then Ferrari are actually still very close and looking fast. Landos stop for tyres was just so poor. Side note - F1 is shit. they put out red flags/started under safety when all the cars were on inters. FFS Fia make them put on the wets. If they don't want to waste a pit stop for heavy rain, just let them fall off the track.
  13. manuel

    Kids bikes

    So it’s time for 24” wheels, and kids bikes are insanely priced, especially second hand, compared to what you can get in an adult size! anyone know of any uber short old school 26” frames I could mash some 24” wheels on? Amusingly If I hold the bike so he can climb on he can ride the cannondale with a 120mm stem on 🤣 he’s just got nowhere to go when he stops! or any other recommendations?
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