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About aaronmc

  • Birthday 11/19/1989

Previous Fields

  • County (UK Only)
    County Down
  • Real Name
    Aaron McCulla
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Onza zoot standard.
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Cars, photography,
  • Location
    Bangor, Northern Ireland

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aaronmc's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Cool watch, such a down to earth guy. Just takes everything as it comes and doesnt mind showing he doesnt even get it right all the time.
  2. Just added a new car to my collection will post more of the collection up soon. I love this though.
  3. I only had it a month and it was a disaster lost so much work cause of it. New thermal compound can help alot, the slightest crack /air pocket in it and it doesnt perform as well.
  4. Cant help much with this, however i had an advent laptop a few years back that did this (common fault) Left it into pc world to get them to test it and they couldnt get it to do it, got it home it happened again. eventually I managed to video it and showed them the evidence and got a full refund. Now only use a mac and cant fault it.
  5. aaronmc

    Cheeky Mouse

    A good old mouse trap and put a bit of mars bar on it as bait. Works a treat. Put a few traps round the place.
  6. Im impressed with it. Having never had a bike like it or used one before though its impossible for me to judge. I find it quite light and brakes to be good enough seeing its not discs.
  7. Thanks, cost a little more than what you can get them in England for but I saved on the delivery. Well the north coast isnt to far away if we can get a few people together someday.
  8. Welcome! I just got mine yesterday and love it. Im totally new too it all.
  9. Woohooo i got my bike :dance: Havent had a chance yet to have a go on it, was working late. roll on tomorrow...
  10. aaronmc


    Awesome video, very inspirational to others. Cant wait to see a full video of yours someday.
  11. Ok so im still waiting on my bike after it being delayed. Its meant to arrive tomorrow now. Hopefully it does as im itching to get out on it.
  12. Stumbled across it while googling about bikes trying to work out what to buy.
  13. I love gold rush going to miss it when the series ends
  14. Looks awesome. I can always hope that someday i can do some of that.
  15. Hey, im sure everyone is bored of the hello's Well im Aaron, from Bangor, Northern Ireland. Just ordered a Onza zoot and hopefully getting it this week. Im totally new to trials but need a challenge to get me out side more and away from work. Sorry in advance of any stupid questions I ask. Also is there any other folk over here in N.I.? Find me on Facebook Aaron McCulla. Bound to be some funny videos of me falling off everything at some point this week.
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