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Bionic Balls

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Everything posted by Bionic Balls

  1. longer wheelbase really...and higher BB usually means higher stem too
  2. get the cheapest shittest frame you can find...and everyone will think you are a god on a bike- and you can blame the frame when it goes wrong ebay.
  3. i have flared my headtube...my lower headset cup falls out if i take the forks off! bionic...you get what you pay for... well explained mr. poyzer, but for future reference- metals are not molecular! adam
  4. apparently it's going to rain all day in birmingham...and be fine in London?! someone told me that adam edit- oh wow..it's actually true!
  5. yeeeeeeeeeah booooooois!! done the gaps adam...did you beat Oli?
  6. as above...can you explain what was so amazing about this lecture? superconductors and the freaky properties of nanoparticles get me interested lately
  7. it's half term dude...! edit- it's an advertising ploy to entice people into reading the thread
  8. also known as London. There's a couple of Swindonists fancy the trip for a half term ride...and college doesn't really happen for me on Wensdy anymore Pretty sure I can persuade either Mighty Martin (the biggest baddest trials man ever) or Scottish Andrew to ride...or maybe both! Swindon trains come to Paddington which is near me...so if the majority of people are coming from that way we can ride all the spots that never get ridden because everyone else normally rides from Waterloo. Or...we could do that. Anyways...please come- London trials needs...trials riders. Adam EDIT: apparently Southampton sucks ??
  9. backwards 180 down waaaas mint .. nice.
  10. THAT'LL surely be steve... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx_CfejMzwI
  11. phwoar...i'dv stayed in with a cup o' tea
  12. bit of a tear jerker tha' ....
  13. http://www.trashzen.com/animations/anrearsidehop1l.php i'd forgotten how bloody mental he is
  14. thats the place tisza rides right? i fairly sure its hungary... hmmm
  15. reminds me of ben travis...maybe it's the bike? nice.
  16. nice one some really long lines in there which makes it much more flowing...alot like the mr.suave videos (what happened to all that?) adam
  17. its fine...just use the tpa until the wiggle disappears
  18. with the hacksaw blades...instead of say 3 blades- have 2 and a half. Its a compromise between tension and how far the blade can actually bend...works quite well in my experience though
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