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Bionic Balls

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Everything posted by Bionic Balls

  1. yeeeeeeaaaaah steve... turns out string and glue did work then!?
  2. in my experience you just can't get them tight enough with a 6mm allen key...tis fine for the bulk of the tightening, but you really should get a spanner on chances are they were loose then..
  3. my freewheel seems fine...not had it very long though.. short stock looks mint- who's steveo?
  4. yeah yeah i know...but seriously...you can barely tell... one day my bike will be mint
  5. mine does it too...apart from having to make sure my headset is actually tight, it really doesn't make much difference to me. Probably a bit different if you actually go places quickly over bumpy stuff though?
  6. marcos mantis spyder...anyone?
  7. nice one chaps...looks like you 2 are loving the riding right now! keep on.
  8. more like yaabaa stard...you and toby and your flashy new bikes nice one tom!
  9. built like a tank... does he work on a cruise ship!?
  10. never seen a nose wheelie back down before...that looks scary as!
  11. find more riders...! try 'n get creative and just enjoy riding your bike for what it is...i love that feeling
  12. it's designed like that.. hmmm...doesn't seem so easy! it still needs to be flush inside where it sits against the steerer...so i can see another crack probably starting again from the steerer side where you might not catch it so easily...tis a strange place for a crack though. good shout. Uneven tightening may have caused it...perhaps even riding with one bolt loose(ish) meant that the stem could move slightly and thats some sort of fretting crack? unlucky i'd say. adam
  13. good stuff adam...see you in the summer
  14. the result of my phone call is...that's not Vicki's number..
  15. was it really as warm as you made it look? good shit
  16. awesome....did he used to ride for onza? can tell he's old school with the gaps to bash...can't think of anyone else who does that! adam
  17. really good pics..quality stuff
  18. faaaaaack....! did anyone get that?!?! was huge adam
  19. i really like that...where and how much...? i have a job
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