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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. Hehe, cool. I think I might play it for a bit! (Y)
  2. Have a word with Tomm, Danny or someone. They'll be able to tell you what you need. (Y)
  3. Habbo Hotel? Haha, the good ol' days! (Y) EDIT: This it? Habbo Hotel
  4. I don't get it. (Y) I normally bet then fold (Y) It's fun just to mess about on in the free rooms. (Y)
  5. Haha. I don't even like the Bike Pics thread (Y) No one can be bothered to comment on it in the gallery :-
  6. Nice bike there mate! But there is a bike pics thread. (Y)
  7. I'll send it to you (Y) Gotta find the CD (Honest! :D) first. :-
  8. All I get is this. EDIT: Wayyyyyyy too late! :">
  9. I wondered who the hell you were on about then! Now I know. (Y)
  10. I think the frame looks mint! Nice one Onza! Is that the 180 Mono Trials he's running? (Y)
  11. Siders77


    Some one else is on the CRC mailing list then aye Jonny? (Y)
  12. It's probably better than most peoples on here! :P EDIT: Yes, he is Foreign. :(
  13. Tart can service King Hubs can't he? :( I would say King, never used one but never heard a bad thing about them :(
  14. You say it bites better when you spin the wheel backwards? Are you sure the Rotor's on the right way? :(
  15. Siders77

    Jaw Problems

    Get in touch with the Doctor, or even go to Hospital. It might be something serious :( I'll give you a cyber punch if you want? :(
  16. That's what i've used a few times. I haven't used it on frames though. Give it a try B)
  17. On a grind they're good but they wear down in a few rides. On a smooth rim apparently they're ace! If you want some have a word with Adam or Dave at TartyBikes i'm sure they can send you a pair over! :S
  18. I would do it. It just gives a nice even finish B) :S
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