Oh right. Sorry about that, i've only ever used the Mono Mini for a few days and I didn't touch the screw bit. I only though that i did something because I have exactly the same thing on my Juicy 7 and it adjusts the pads.
Sorry! :">
It could be the disc you're using. It might be too wide for the caliper or something.
I think that there is a little screw near the lever blade that adjusts the lever/pad reach have a fiddle about with that. :D
EDIT: The screw is here :S
I think you should pay yearly instead of monthly. Digital Crocus (sp?) is £15 a year. I'll get you a link now Charley :D
EDIT: Here is the link to it. :S I've never used it but quite a few people on here do I think.
You could get a screwdriver, place it over the snapped bit of the bolt then hit it with a hammer and try and unscrew it?
Drill it out and have the mount Re-Tapped :S
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