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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. Siders77


    That's not too bad...We'll get a year out of it anyway.
  2. Siders77


    Not too sure. I don't see why you would have to stop using it....
  3. Siders77


    There's a Public BETA version of Vista that you can download. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsvista/getready/default.mspx
  4. [attachmentid=5265] [attachmentid=5266] [attachmentid=5267] [attachmentid=5268] Haha. HAHAHAHAHAHAH
  5. You might as well just call this thread "The Spam Thread" EDIT: You forgot the Angry Thread :wink2:
  6. Siders77

    Big Brother

    They're not bowls they're f**king MOUNTAINS......f**king MOUNTAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. What's the point in asking for feedback when you don't actually do anything about the spelling mistakes and stuff people point out?
  8. But it's you're home country. Meh, I won't be watching it. Got better things to be doing than watch a bunch of poofters kicking a bag of air round a field.
  9. I called you stupid because the second post in the topic actually told you how to.
  10. So why go trying to make other people look like dicks when you didn't even read the topic.
  11. Are you f**king stupid? READ THE TOPIC.
  12. Don't f**king read it then you tit. Photos are okay, the 4th one looks pretty good.
  13. You don't get it do you. I'll go from "Made of Titanium" Which is very
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