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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. If your topic goes off of the first page so no-one can see it then you say Bump to 'Bump' your topic back up to the yop of the first page again. :)
  2. But it can't measure your 20" monitor so you don't count! :D :)
  3. a href="w"w.craigleescott.co.uk">www.craigleescott.co.uk You looked there? :)
  4. They're good pictures and all but I think that silhouette photos are becoming cheesy now. Sorry. :)
  5. I live in Yate. About 30 Mins away from Bath. I ride Bristol quite a lot. :)
  6. Oh right. That's all i've noticed, and a red line comes up if you hold one of the buttons down. :) *Goes and searches*
  7. I would go with the T-Pro. Awesome bike for starting on it will last you too. :)
  8. If you click the right mouse button then the left straight after it takes you back a page and vice versa. :)
  9. Yeah, looking at it now it does. :) Wierd.
  10. Haha. That's ok. I don't mind helping you when you're being nice! :D :)"
  11. Haha, that's the biggest load of bullshit i've ever hahaa! :D :S Why do you have to be a beginer to have V8's? :) :S
  12. I doubt it would piss him off. Lol :)
  13. I don't think you can get them anymore. :)
  14. I think they're going to be mass producing them. :)
  15. Ah ha. It was Gaim, not Gnome! : Get it here. Or pick one from here. :)
  16. I've been looking at the We The People Bolt. I've been told it's quite good. :) :D
  17. Windows Messenger? There's one called Gnome I think have a look on download.com :)
  18. Start>Programs>Acessories>System Tools> System Restore. Click the date that it was last working properly. Then it will take your computer back to that date and not lose any files you have downloaded. (Y)
  19. My new one, with a photo I took when I went to Devon for the Weekend. What you think? (Y)
  20. What about doing a System Restore? (Y)
  21. Get a Ronie and have it built by Tart. I've had mine for a few months now, i've rimmed it hard quite a few times and its still perfectly straight! Ronnie for the win. (Y)
  22. Ah right, I don't know then. sorry. (Y)
  23. Get FireFox. :) :)" Have you looked under the Internet settings? it might be something to do with that. (Y)
  24. Siders77

    Car For

    Have a look here Tom. (Y)
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