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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. It looks like they are here. :) http://tartybikes.co.uk/image.php?image=echorearmodhub.jpg' target="_blank">
  2. Aren't they fixed onto the hub? I thought the new style ones were.
  3. Yes i'm not stupid (Even though you think I am). I got involved to help Charlie out because I wouldn't like to send someone money for something and never get it. I didn't think you were the type of guy to rip people off. So anyway. Phone Charlie and sort it out. Don't moan because people are getting involved with something that you posted on a public Forum! :)
  4. No, I just can't read a f**king word of your post!
  5. Siders77

    Site Links.

    Hey. Well my website is nearly finished now, all I need to do is put some more content in it. The links page is looking quite empty at the moment. So if you cout post up your site URL and i'll put it up for you. :) The only thing I ask is that you could put mine up in return. www.ytronline.co.uk thanks. :S
  6. So if you know that I didn't give out your number then why the f**k am I on the list?! I'm starting to get so fed up of getting dragged into all of this shit. Like I said to you before I was trying to help Charlie out because I didn't think that you would rip him off because you've always been fine with me. Sorry but I'm starting to have my doubts now.
  7. What the f**k Pete?! How the hell am I a wanker?! You asked me not to give Charlie your work number so I didn't. And you know that. So I don't see why you're calling me a wanker? :) Anyway why don't you phone Charlie yourself and sort this out. The onlt reason it's gone this far is because Charlies not heard anything from you in ages. Everytime Charlie tries to talk to you on MSN it's either your housemate, son or God knows who else. I have Charlies number if you want it. :S
  8. Yeah....What's wrong with that?
  9. On tv.isg.si now lads. :) Here.
  10. Cool video Dave, Liked the riding. :) I'm uploading it to tv.isg.si and i'll put it up tomorrow for you, or when ever I wake up lol. :P
  11. Siders77

    Random Fact

    :) :P :lol: :) :D :D :D :D
  12. Siders77

    New Vid

    sorry to clog up your thread. Lol.
  13. Siders77

    New Vid

    This is what Rob thinks of you Cap. :)
  14. It's Nicks time of the month. Don't listen to him. :) :P
  15. No thanks to Dan's V!Z crew. Haha
  16. Siders77

    New Vid

    I finally managed to get the vid after many attempts from Cap on MSN. So it's now uploaded on tv.isg.si. :sleeping: Get it here. Anyway. I thought the video was VERY good. Gonna watch it again now. B) What's the song by the way?
  17. Add me to MSN and i'll upoad it to tv.isg.si if you like. B) Address in my sig. :sleeping:
  18. Siders77

    Legally Tomm

    I dare you to do your eyebrows too. :sleeping:
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