Pads: Plazmatic CRM's (Yellow ones)
Time used: Just over 6 Months.
Rim used: Old style Echo for 4 months then Onza Ronnie for 2 months.
Grind: Yes
Ceraminc: No
Brake used: Magura HS33 bled with water.
What is your opinion of a working brake: Has very good hold but with some modulation. Has to have a nice sound.
How do they compare to previous pads you have used: Without a doubt THE best pads i've used.
Review: When I got these pads I put on a fresh grind, set them up square to the rim using a Credit Card. I went out in my street just playing about for a few minutes and I was amazed! As soon as I pulled my brake they started working and let out a very nice noise. I rode in the park by me for an hour or so and they just kept getting better, awesome lock, bite and sound. In the 6 months or so I've had them they have only worn down about 2mm. Over all I love these pads and don't think I'll be trying any other pads again. (Y)