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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. Haha, that's awesome! Good find. :D
  2. Not really. I know loads of people who run Kool Stops and love them.
  3. Get a Juicy 7. (Y) I have one and it's fookin' nice! Nice and powerful and has good modulation. (Y)
  4. Pads: Plazmatic CRM's (Yellow ones) Time used: Just over 6 Months. Rim used: Old style Echo for 4 months then Onza Ronnie for 2 months. Grind: Yes Ceraminc: No Brake used: Magura HS33 bled with water. What is your opinion of a working brake: Has very good hold but with some modulation. Has to have a nice sound. How do they compare to previous pads you have used: Without a doubt THE best pads i've used. Review: When I got these pads I put on a fresh grind, set them up square to the rim using a Credit Card. I went out in my street just playing about for a few minutes and I was amazed! As soon as I pulled my brake they started working and let out a very nice noise. I rode in the park by me for an hour or so and they just kept getting better, awesome lock, bite and sound. In the 6 months or so I've had them they have only worn down about 2mm. Over all I love these pads and don't think I'll be trying any other pads again. (Y)
  5. Don't the Coustelliers deal with ENO? Have a word with them. (Y)
  6. If you're going to insult me Rob you could at least spell my name right! (Y) Yeah, it's a cool video. Was really gob smacked when I saw it. (Y)
  7. Oh yeah. I am. Your T-Lite is next. (Y)
  8. Well done Captain Obvious! Thanks for the phrase Si! (Y)
  9. Mine has to be out of Craig Lee Scott's 'Tango' vid or a video called 1Concern. Both VERY good videos. (Y)
  10. Yeah, how would we not know that you're talking about your T-Lite. You never shut up about the f**king thing!
  11. I don't know what planet you're from but I wouldn't touch a V!Z rim with a 10ft Barge Pole. I'd much rather have a Ronnie. (Y)
  12. I dunno if i'm getting the wrong message but it seems like my name's been given? (Y) Well, that's what Pete's saying anyway.
  13. Haha, i'm not worried. Just pissed off that my name was given for no reason.
  14. Oh My f**king God! What I'm trying to get at is that I don't see why you gave my name to the Police for "Giving out your number" when you asked me not to. You've asked me not to do things before and because I thought you were a good mate I didn't. I guess I could just get on the phone to the Police and explain all so that my name's taken off of the list. (Y) Oh and another thing, can you please stop talking down to me, I know you're older and everything but it doesn't make you look very good, in fact it makes you sound like a 10-Year-old. (Y)
  15. Look, I don't care what you say but I still don't know why you gave my name to the Police (if you even did) I DIDN'T GIVE YOUR NUMBER OUT! Or address for that matter. I don't have your address anymore. I had it on my computer but when I formatted it I lost it. (Y) Yeah, i'm trying to help Charlie out but I didn't even think I was that involved.
  16. So my name has been handed to the police? (Y) If it has the why the f**k has it when i've told you more than 3 times that it wasn't me!
  17. (Y) (Y) Who's been 'playing' with Pete's profile? It's hilarious! (Y) :)
  18. Watch the start of one of the Chris Walker videos. (Y) I can't remember what one it is though.
  19. On a mod I would say 160mm but I would go for a 180mm on a stock. What brake do you have/are you getting?
  20. *I don't know if it's spelt right but it doesn't look right. Still doesn't look very professional to me. Sorry.
  21. Looks good now Craig. I still hate the stickers though! (Y) (Y)
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