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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. What card do you have Dan? I'm still looking but don't actually know if I'm looking for the right thing! :bunny: Would you say this is okay for it?
  2. Siders77


    I know i'm not a Moderator or anything but do you know how hard it is? I was talking to George Seamons a while back about it and I now know that it is hard. If you don't like this Forum then there's nothing to stop you from leaving. :bunny:
  3. Just tried it and it doesn't work. :bunny:
  4. Ah that sucks :bunny: I'll give it a go anyway :(
  5. Really nice pics there mate, the 3rd one down is my fave, would be a good background if there were no people in it! :) :S
  6. Hummmmm, now you've said that, I have another Monitor plug thing on my MOBO, i'll dig out the old monitor and see if it works if I plug it into that. :S
  7. Siders77


    No offence to Lego or anything but the photos weren't exactly good. Just 2 of someone dropping off of a wall and one of him stood next to it with his bike. I agree to a certain extent though, instead of just saying the photos were crap then they should have given him advice and so on....
  8. Can't you read?! "I hate not knowing the face of the people I talk to."
  9. Cheers Dan, that was very helpful! :S I'll see if I can get a new Graphics card anyway (I need to replace my old skool 32mb one :) ) Thanks guys. :)
  10. It's because I get annoyed when I'm using Photoshop and I keep having to minimise it to see what someone's saying on MSN or something. I'll probably just get the 19in monitor first and see how it goes with that. Cheers for the help so far. :S
  11. Cheers Tic. :) I'm looking on Overclockers now, is this what I should get? Or am I wrong? :) I didn't know Graphics Cards were that expensive! :S Ooo, just found this whick looks nice. :) Monitor. And I think I've found the right Graphics card now. :) EDIT: Sorry, the Hyperlink thing still isn't working.
  12. Well I'm thinking of getting a new monitor for Christmas. At the moment I have a 15in monitor which I'll use for MSN and I'm thinking of getting a 19in one for Photoshop and stuff. I'll upgrade the 15in monitor when I have money. Anyway. What stuff would I need? Is it hard to set up and do you need any software for it to work? Thanks. :) EDIT: I forgot to ask. What monitor would you recommend? 19in. :S
  13. Haha what a wierd topic! I've never tasted it and don't want to. My mate has though, he said it tasted like tea! :sick: ;)
  14. I think the train goes straight there. :sick: Have a look on their website first. If you plan your route then it tells you how many stips you have to take. ;)
  15. Don't Royal Mail do anything to get out of giving you the money though? I swear I've read that on here before.
  16. What's wrong with it Pete? It's always been fine when i've been there, we found some rocks to ride there once. <_<
  17. Yeah, I saw it when he riode Bristol on the Roadtrip. Now that's a tatoo! EDIT: Just found the thread. :rolleyes: EDIT 2: Just found a pic of Andy T's too. Link.
  18. Yeah, you are. :rolleyes:
  19. Agreed. One of the nicest bike's I've seen in a long time! (Y)
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