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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. They're all ready I think. I got an E-Mail from Ben saying I could pay and what not. (Y)
  2. If it has Thread Lock on it then boil the kettle and pore (That doesn't look right (Y) ) it over the BB and that should soften it and it will be easier to get out. :P
  3. I can't see it on my TV listings, nor on the Internet. You sure it's on BBC and not CBBC, Pete. :P (Y)
  4. Yeah! You're a God! How much you want for them? PM coming your way. (Y)
  5. Ooooooo, you don't still have the bolts do you Joe? I could REALLY do with them if you have. (Y)
  6. :P I was looking forwart to getting a nice shiney 4 bolt booster too. (Y)
  7. Talk to Edd Potts he does pimpy custom made parts. (Y) (Dave85 on here I think) :P
  8. Haha, still. I would have cried at least! (Y) :-
  9. Siders77

    Monkey's Bike

    Fair play, that's pretty damn sexy! How did you get all of that for £300?! (Y) (Y) EDIT: Actually. £300 seems about right I suppose. :-
  10. Select Bikes, Tarty Bikes (I think) Bike Dock...
  11. Have a look at a href="w"w.digital-crocus.co.uk">Digital-Crocus. They will have a hosting package that's right for you. If it's going to be a media site I would go with the £30 a year package. :P EDIT: That f**king Hyperlink thing! (Y) www.digital-crocus.co.uk
  12. So you don't care about your mum, when she's on the floor struggling to breath you're just laughing and eating the chocolates?! Lmao, how nice are you?! :P :P :) :)
  13. I've had a good 'transaction' with MA. My parents ordered my bike for my Birthday after being pissed around by a bike shop near me. They ordered it about a month before my Birthday. When I was at school they phoned my mum and said that they built my bike and got it shipped before everyones because all of the other bikes they had to send out were for people Christmas presents. I was a happy boy that day when I found out. :P :P
  14. I don't even know if I can do a forward roll. I tried it a few years back and remember caning my neck. Never tried it again! :P :P
  15. LMFAO! Wrong but soooooo funny! :P :P :) :) :P
  16. We're doing that now (Just finished the film and about 3/4 through the book.) Have you seen the film yet? I liked it too actually. Don't know why just did.
  17. To be honest that's what I thought, that you were posting so people said you were too good to quit blah blah.... Anyway, I liked the vid nice riding but the music spoilt it for me :)
  18. What frame? There have been loads of Protos out from Onza recently. :)
  19. Oooo, what about the Spell Check? Is that coming back?
  20. Do you know how much it helps you though? The teachers don't just sit down and say "Ah, I'll give them this to do tonight so I muck up their social time" It's set for a reason.
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