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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. The same as the Viz rims ARE Koxx rims, the Viz pads ARE Plazmatics, the Viz bars ARE Zoo! bars. Etc...
  2. Have a look at Tarty Bikes for sprockets and stuff. :ermm:
  3. Get the Profile. :ermm: The best change I ever made was from FFW to a Profile. I would get some Monty cranks too and use an 18 tooth sprocket. The Profiles come with a 12 tooth sprocket I think. B)
  4. I just got this E-Mail form Digial-Crocus saying why it was down. :ermm:
  5. I thought there was something wierd about this thread. Your bike was 'Stolen' and you didn't even put up a spec at first. You just asked for people to donate you parts. :ermm:
  6. Haha. You could have done. :ermm:
  7. If it's hosted on Digital-Crocus (Which I think it is?) then yes it is broken because digital-Crocus isn't working either.
  8. Yeah, Digital Crocus is down. I think it might be something to do with the Virus problem that they had the other day. (Mark knows all about that don't you?!) :ermm: B)
  9. Have a look here. (N) I think you might have to get a data cable to do the Sony Ericssons though. (Y)
  10. I think you have to do the pad bodge because the rim is too small. Or get a wider rim. (Y)
  11. I use Firefox and I still get Spyware? (Y)
  12. Cool. Just make sure that when it's all done you run Spybot Adaware etc every week or so. (Y)
  13. Do you have the Windows XP CD? If you do put that in and restart. (Y) Make sure you back the things you want up (N)
  14. Just do what Dan said and format. (Y)
  15. The only reason mine are on the outside is because I couldn't fit them on he inside. (Profile hub and Monty frame) :lol:
  16. I have one on my PC and one on my TV. :lol:
  17. If you do then just put a bolt in that hole. Put the Cams on the axle and they push against the bolt head. :lol: I'll get a pic of mine in a minute.
  18. Do you have a small hole in your frame next to the drop outs?
  19. Siders77


    One of these. :lol:
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