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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. Jim was on MSN talking to me around 5 minutes ago. I've seen him online loads aswel....
  2. Yeh, that's only because it's 64bit. It's the same with XP 64bit. Drivers are quite hard to find, alright they're not as hard to find as drivers for Vista but they're still quite hard to find.
  3. Mine's doing the same as gay boys (Callum) Grrrrrrrr.
  4. AVG Free Spybot Search and Destroy Adaware. Sorted.
  5. Looks nice, well made. What does it do?
  6. I've always had speeds like that. Don't know why everyone has trouble really.
  7. Ah right, I've not played the original one.
  8. Wtf, when I tried it first I loved it!
  9. http://www.steampowered.com/index.php?area=dodFreeWeekend Siders77 is my Steam name. Same with XFire
  10. I have a 10k RPM one and it's mehish. I didn't notice much difference when I changed from a 7.2k one. It's also noisy as hell.... If you want a silent one then get a Samsung SpinPoint P. Stupidly quiet.
  11. I think you can just pay x amount to get something else.
  12. Siders77

    Kazaa Lite?

    Personally, I use Mininova + uTorrent
  13. Siders77

    Kazaa Lite?

    Calm down, it was a joke. Nice to see you used Google though.
  14. Siders77

    Kazaa Lite?

    Jesus, bit of a bump. Look at the date it was posted. 2004!!
  15. Why are you being such a c unt? Not just you, most of the people who have posted here. If you don't like the topic, don't bother posting. Just go read something else. Almost every topic Pete posts gets ruined by tossers posting shit in it. It's getting stupid now.
  16. Maybe the Spelling Bee is the queen bee?!
  17. Can I give it a try real quick?
  18. LUCKY! Ever taken it off any sweet jumps?
  19. Haha I remember when there was a Bzzzz noise in every thread the Spelling Bee posted in. I used to shit myself thinking it was a virus or something.
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