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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. That's what I thought......But I read by Bikesdotonzadotcom (or what ever his name is) that if the stickers are taken off then the warrenty is void.
  2. Doesn't it void the warrenty if you take them off?
  3. It's all sorted now, I got an E-Mail from Digital-Crocus earlier saying that the server move is all complete. :lol:
  4. A few more. :P Select Bikes.........07841359796 BETD...................01782 629462 Coustellier (Danny Butler)....07834468990 More when I can think of them. :-
  5. Don't worry now. Janson sent it to me. Topic can be locked now. Cheers Janson. :P
  6. I'm gonna go and blowtorch my pads now......2 Mins for each pad? Or one min for each pad? Thanks.
  7. When the pages are uploaded you get the link from your server/host thingy then put the link in Dreamweaver. :- Sorry, it's hard to explain. :P
  8. You have to link them all up in dreamweaver. You upload all of the pages you want. E.G: About Me etc.... Then get the links from where ever you upload them and put them in Dreamweaver. Screenshot in a mo.
  9. Bennifer posted a link to some hosting a few days back, it does look really good. Nice and cheap, too. :P Topic is here.
  10. Hey, I wanna watch Select Coventyy again because I haven't seen it for ages. Can anyone upload it to Tv.isg or MSN it to me please? Address in my sig. Cheers :P
  11. Siders77

    05 T-mag

    I was just reading his bad feedback, the first on the list was this: If you type like that you deserve to get a faulty product! :P
  12. Cheers Mark, I guess I'll have to have a proper look tomorrow. :shifty:
  13. Where is the BB supposed to be? I took my lever apart realier and couldn't see one. (Y) Yeah but the thing is that he told me it wasn't leaking. :shifty:
  14. Isn't it just going to be the same as boring out the RB?
  15. I think it's just like White Spirit but when it evaporates it doesn't leave any oily stuff. :shifty:
  16. Because I'm so nice I've decided to make a topic in the FAQ for you. :shifty: Here you go.
  17. Cheers Noz. I do have some spare seals yeah. I know the Magura piston wont fit yet but hopefully I'm having Edd Potts bore it out so I can fit a Magura piston in. Lee.
  18. Because there have been quite a few topics about bleeding Maguras I thought I'd make a topic.... ;) Bleeding Maguras with a bleed kit. For this method you need a bleed kit, here are a few links to online shops that sell them. Chain Reaction Cycles. Wiggle > Brake Spares. You should also be able to get them from your LBS. Losen the TPA all of the way off. Move the whole lever up so that it's pointing forwards instead of down. Fill a syringe with water or oil, it's your choice but I like water better because it gives a better feel to the lever. Take the bleed bolt off of the slave cylinder. This one circled red; Use one of the clear tubes shown up there in the first picture and screw it into the bleed hole but make sure that the tube is full up with water before you screw it on. I find it easier to put the syringe on the pipe and fill the pipe with the syringe. Undo the little grub screw on the lever body pictured below; Take the other clear tube and screw it into that hole. Ask someone if they can hold an old butter tub or something under the plastic pipe coming from the lever otherwise you'll get oil all over your rim/rotor. :shifty: Now that's all done up nice and tight pump the syringe until most of the fluid from it is gone. (Remember to go from the slaves to the lever!) Now look at the tube coming out of the lever, if it has air in you need to do that again. (When you take the syringe off of the pipe remember to get someone to put their finger over the other end. :P ) When no more air comes out of the pipe then it's finished. Take the pipe off of the lever and put the grub screw back in but remember when you're taking the pipe off of the lever remember to leave the syringe on the pipe coming from the slave. (Y) Now take the pipe off of the slave and put the bleed bolt back in. Done. :D Bleeding Maguras in a bucket or a bath. Fill the bucket or the bath full of water. Take the brake off of your bike and put it in the bucket/bath. Undo both bleed bolts, the one on the lever and the one on the slave. (Underwater) Pump the brake and you should see some air coming out of the slave. Do this until no more air comes out. Do up both of the bleed bolts. (Again, underwater) Take the brake out and it should be air free. Done. Any more questions MSN/ PM me or ask in here. Lee. :P
  19. Just do it your self, it's easy enough. :shifty:
  20. Recently Digital-Crocs (What Wytrials and Tarty Bikes are hosted on) have been having a big problem with the Viruses. I was talking to Luke who own DC and he said he thinks it's a group of Russians that have registered with DC and hacked peoples websites. They put something on there called an iFrame which re-directs you to another website (With the virus) and they are getting paid for doing it which is a bit shit. :shifty: DC are working on a more secure hosting service so I'm told in the E-Mail they sent me (And other people who have sites hosted on DC) so it shouldn't be long before it's all sorted out. They're having problems moving the servers over at the moment so it might be a longer wait than planned. (Y) That should clear a few things up for now. Lee. ;)
  21. One word "willy" Can you not just leave him alone? If he wants to play online poker let him, he's not doing you any harm.....
  22. Fook me! (Y) How long did they take you?
  23. Bloody hell, Ali. They're a bit good..... (Y) What did you draw those with?
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