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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. Siders77


    Have a look here. Really helpful guide and also really helpful people on there. I'll be using that when I start overclocking. (When I have RMA'd my faulty RAM.) I have that Guru thing, too. Did yours come with a clock that tells you the temps of your MOBO, CPU and system? EDIT: "alexnessie" Shut up, that's not really going to help him is it? Just because you're a "L33t" overclocker doesn't mean you have to put other people down....
  2. Hope are AWESOME, E-Mail them and say what happened, I'm pretty sure they'll help.
  3. You have to convert it to MP4 I think.
  4. 9.8KB/s on a 2MB line, nice.
  5. Try E-Mailing the place that he's E-Mailing you from and let them know that he's pissing you off and won't stop it. They can ban him hopefully.
  6. Send an E-Mail to loads of bike companys and ask for free stickers. I got loads by doing that.
  7. That's why I asked if you had the stuff...
  8. Damn you...I have school. Nevermind...I don't even have a BMX. I wonder if they'll let Trials bikes in. EDIT: Haha just realised it's today!
  9. Yeah but no one's asking you are they? It's his money he can spend it how he wants....
  10. I thought it was funny, put a longer one up.
  11. You do have all of the PS2 Live connectors and stuff, Don't you?
  12. Hahahahahahha. "I'm out of precise.....pr...pr...pratactice....." Hahahahaha ace.
  13. You can get them from Jenson USA. But it's gonna be quite expensive when tax and VAT is added on, sadly.
  14. What's the point in posting videos, what's the point in putting a pic of your bike in the bike pics thread, what's the point in having a Trials-Forum at all. Hell, what's the point in the Internet? Shut up.
  15. Stop being such a f**king wanker. Nice sidehop mate, keep it up
  16. Deng is the owner of Zoo, Echo, Adamant and a shit load more.
  17. Ffs, you didn't need to post! Anyway, I got mine through my LBS. Just go in and tell them what you want and they should be able to order it for you.
  18. A lot have people have. I had one ages ago but it got removed. Does it really matter?
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