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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. Siders77

    Fire Wire

    Haha, I didn't know that. But the one I posted is cheaper! Ner ner.
  2. Siders77

    Fire Wire

    Hehe, that's exactly what Rob just said to me! It should slot into the Network Card slot on your laptop... Like this:
  3. Don't Monty / Cleanbikes pay for advertising?
  4. Siders77

    Bit Torrent

    Why not upload it to Eengoedidee or Tv.isg? Or am I getting the wrong end of the stick?
  5. Did I say that they haven't tried to? I was only telling Caleb why the other one got deleted.
  6. People who pay for advertising in the banners up there ^^ give a shit.
  7. I really don't see how people can't spell it. E e n g o e d i d e e !
  8. So true Ali, so true! I used to have a paper round. Now I'm 16 I'm gonna look for a job I think.
  9. There's loads to ride there, Si. Where abouts did you go? When I went we rode in a place called Radley. By the UNI.
  10. Oh, I was on about the bit that 'trialsmad' posted because I know that Nick got permission for that. I don't know about the Unicorn one. I'm guessing that it's the same principal though....
  11. Does it really matter if some of the designs are copied? If you don't like it shut up and don't buy it. Simple, really. Go and set up your own clothing company and see how hard it is to think of designs without copying anything.... Why was this even brought up? Nick posted asking where he can get Zoo York tees from and someone goes and starts ripping him / 2plus1 off when they don't even know if the design is copyright'd. Why not PM him or add him to MSN?
  12. I was just informing you that you're not likely to get any help within half an hour so bumping is pointless....
  13. Faithless- Greatest Hits. Slammin' Vinyl- Absolute Hardcore. Bullet For My Valentine- The Poison. Pendulum- Hold Your Colour. Hardcore Nation. Mine.
  14. What do you want me to do about it? I don't know what's wrong with it do I?
  15. Hahahahaha omfg that's awesome!
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