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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. Siders77

    Picture War

    Oh noes. Burnt money.
  2. Siders77

    James Porter

    Haha that's class. "Sorry James, you can't come home because no one's in" " " Haha.
  3. I added one. Not sure if it worked.....
  4. Siders77


    I have a feeling they do. They did when I ordered with them a while back, I think. Site looks pretty cool, much nicer to navigate around and stuff now.
  5. Woah that is one sexy BMX! Can I have it?
  6. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Bennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Happy birthday to you. :wink2:
  7. Search Google for Rasterbator. Something like that I think.
  8. It took about 20 minutes. On the bottom row is where I started running out of ink.
  9. Pauloliver sorted me out. Can lock the topic now please.
  10. Here we go. I really need a new TV.
  11. Hey guys, I need Nick's (Urpedigreechumdog) mobile number. Could someone PM it to me please? Cheers.
  12. Is it just me or did you just totally contradict yourself there? I don't care anyway, maybe he could have worded it better, but it seems okay to me.
  13. How is it though? He's not exactly going to lie. If there were 50 year old blacks with their tats out then that's what he's going to say, isn't it?
  14. How the feck is that racist? He's not exactly going to say "there were 50 year old whites with their tats out" if they weren't even white! Idiot.
  15. Can you not get a new HDD for now? They're cheap as chips.
  16. Siders77


    I didn't know that it had finished? It was on last week, wasn't it? Anyway it's good. Cheers for the heads up.
  17. Yup that's worked. Top job. Cheers.
  18. For some snail cams? Woooo, I would if it was a frame or a wheel or something big. But some cams. I'll talk to him on MSN and see what he has to say.
  19. W00t that's awesome, much better than I could ever do. Nice one.
  20. Yup, I've done that. oooo I get it now. Unplug the iPod add the video to my iTunes library then connect the iPod back up with the PC? EDIT: That worked. Thanks a lot Tomm.
  21. Just got it today and can't for the life of me figure out how to put videos on it. I've read the instructions and everything but when I try and say what it does it doesn't seem to work. Any help?
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