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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. If Microsoft weren't so f**king useless on the phone then I wouldn't think twice about buying it.
  2. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  3. Too right, all my mates like it too. We were sat in Art watching it on my iPod. Sooooo funny
  4. We've had albums, songs etc now it's time for films Mine: The Shawshank Redemption Green Street Hooligans Enemy At the Gates Napoleon Dynamite Menace to Society Snatch The Friday after next American Pie- Band Camp The Green Mile Final Destination 1+2 Post away.
  5. I want a Guinness hat.
  6. Hummm, right click on the device in drvice manager and see if it has a trouble shooting option.
  7. Have you installed the drivers for it?
  8. Exactly. If you're going to make a thread at least make sure people will be able to read it and understand it.
  9. Heat the hose up a bit with a lighter or something. Don't get it too hot though, it'll just melt! Just enough so the hose expands a bit
  10. This thread= Bollocks. I ran water in my Maggys for 2 years at least. They only froze once and that was this winter when it was reallllllly cold. I've not had any problems with using water and I only bled my brake a few times.
  11. Siders77

    New Tattoos

    Ah right. I doubt it'll be illegal then.
  12. Siders77

    New Tattoos

    Yeah, as far as I know it's illegal. It'll interfere with your finger prints.... According to my mum anyway.
  13. Doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  14. How big is the crack? Try 'n' get it welded if it's big. If it's pretty small I'd leave it.
  15. Siders77


    Slammin' Vinyl says: i would hate to be a c**t SmarterChild says: I wouldn't. Haha
  16. It's happened before. Apparently it's a robot that posts that on forums and stuff. Not much can be done about it
  17. Last time I heard about it Charlie was getting another years hosting sorted. Not sure what happened to that though.
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