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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. By not posting shit. You'll never get validated
  2. Stick them in the oven for a few mins.
  3. If you buy a new bike won't you just buy a 3rd bike so you don't ruin the second one?
  4. How long had he been using it for?
  5. Jack off Jill- Fear of Dying. I think.
  6. You have to be given the invites by Microsoft first.....
  7. You need to be given them by MS first I think.
  8. Cheers for the replys lads. That's all I need now. Topic can be locked.
  9. It's erm.....I dunno how to explain it really. I've always thought of it as wood, metal and plastic work etc. For example we have to make a box to store something in. Using CAD/CAM to design certain parts of the box. Cheers for the replys so far!
  10. Hey guys. Need to do some research for my GCSE project so I thought it would be a good place to ask here. 1. How old are you? 10-15, 16-18, 19-20, 21 or over. 2. Gender. Male. Female 3. If you were making a toolbox to store tools which material would you make it out of? Wood. Metal. Plastic. 4. Why? It looks nice. It's easy to work with. It's strong. 5. What type of tools would you store in there? Allen keys. Spanners. Screwdrivers. Just bike-specific tools. 6. Where would the toolbox be kept? Workshop. Garage. Bedroom. I need 10 people to do this if possible. Thanks a lot!
  11. What made me wet myself with laughter. Why the hell do people use that stupid "1337 sp33k" ?!
  12. Might be along on my BMX. Take a few photos and stuffs.
  13. Yup, has been for years now. Before that it was the MBUK forum. :$
  14. You big Chav, you. Nice pics, last one's probably my fave
  15. Siders77

    Junk Food

    Have my babies. :$ Only Walkers though. The others taste of shit.
  16. So why are you still here? You obviously like 'This piece of shit' otherwise you'd find another forum? It's not exactly rocket science......Well, actually. Maybe it is for you.
  17. Before having a go at other people for their spelling shouldn't you concentrate on your spelling and grammar first? F**king idiot. To the original poster, I'm not going to jump on the band wagon and start having a go at you like most of the people in this thread... For Photoshop tutorials I always like to use Good-Turorials. I would have a go at making one for you but I have next to no graphical talent. Haha.
  18. Can no one see the new Trials Media section then?!
  19. Oh yeah, I thought you didn't correct them. Haha.
  20. Why is allow in bold, anyway?
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