For people who use free www servers: -Is your site popular on the net, or do you just run it for your own satisfaction? I run it for my own satisfaction -Does your site have lots of media for download? Nope -Is your site frequently offline because the server is down, the monthly transfer limit has been exceeded etc? It's only been offfline once when the server I hosted it with was hacked. -Would you be willing to pay i.e. 5 pounds per month for a server with a similar spec, but without downtime, popups, ads etc.? Yes For people who pay for their servers: -What criteria do you use when choosing which www server to buy? Large monthly bandwidth limit and large storage space. -Does your site have lots of media to download? Nope -Do you have a monthly transfer limit, if so how often do you use it up? Yes, not used it up yet. -How much do you pay for your account per month? Not sure about monthly but it's around £35 a year. -Do you value the possibility of having a custom e-mail address (if available)? Yes. -What administration panel do you use? The one built into -What features in the administration panel do you value most? Being able to easily find the file you want to up load.