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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. Battlefield 2. I'm addicted. :$ By far the best PC game I've played.
  2. Cheers. Anyway, I've been using AVG for ages and never had a problem with it.
  3. Search Google for it, it's free I think.
  4. My mate did the iPod Shuffle one and he got one.
  5. We did actually. Wasn't a long ride though.
  6. Haha what are you on about, the pictures are ace! :$
  7. Went out on a little ride with a few mates earlier and took a few pics. Not all that good so don't take the piss (Rob ).....
  8. You're thick as shit. READ IT PROPERLY.
  9. Siders77


    Do you not think he could have acess to a PC where he is? Probably not, you don't really think outside the box.
  10. Kazzer- Pedal to the metal? Or it was something by the Prodigy I think.
  11. How about you all stop being cocks? See how the person who posted this thread has been validated. 2 out of the 3 people that posted in it are still in pre members? Go work out why you're still in pre members. Good topic, it makes a change from... "post a pik of ur stock/ mod" "wht pedals shal i gt?????????" Etc.
  12. Siders77


    Haha oh noes. Go for it.
  13. Siders77


    Select the bits you want to take the colours out of with the Lasoo(sp?) tool and press CTRL and U.
  14. They better be delivering tomorrow. I really want to finish building my PC!
  15. Anyhing on here of use? http://www.apple.com/support/
  16. Siders77

    Upload Question

    It may help if you told us where you want to upload?
  17. Siders77


    You sir have the shittest taste in music, ever.
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