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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. "Now Lee Needs Fresh Challenge."
  2. Siders77

    Stupid Pc.

    The RAM was just over £106 I would steer well clear of it to be honest. This is the 3rd lot i've had to send back since November.
  3. Siders77

    Stupid Pc.

    Nah it's the 7.5k one I think. Is it the Raptor you have? I'm thinking of getting 2 of them and setting them up in RAID.
  4. Siders77

    Stupid Pc.

    It seems fine with RAM just in 1 slot. The boards are really picky about the BIOS revisions you use. Apparently it takes a while to find a stable BIOS.
  5. Siders77

    Stupid Pc.

    Right so I've put some old Crucual stuff in that I had in my room. It boots just fine and when I restart it boots Now I've just gotta try and install Windows again. Cheers Pinky.
  6. Siders77

    Stupid Pc.

    Well I've tried it with 1GB in pretty much every combination I could think of. I'll see if I have any other stuff in my room.
  7. Siders77

    Stupid Pc.

    This is getting stupid now. I've flashed the BIOS to the latest stable one and it STILL won't work. F**ks sake.
  8. Siders77

    Stupid Pc.

    Quick update: I've cleared the CMOS and I now get a signal on the monitor but when I go into the BIOS to change the boot order to 1)CDROM 2)HDD 3)Floppy and save it then reboot it does the same as it was doing before....Not getting a signal on the monitor until I clear the CMOS.
  9. Siders77

    Stupid Pc.

    So....Last night I was playing BF2 for a while and it all went fine until I came off and was talking on MSN then my PC decided to randomly crash, I was a bit annoyed but didn't think much more of it until I booted up again. It gets to the main Windows loading screen stays on that for ages then blue screens and comes up with an error message saying something like "PAGEFILE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGEFILE_AREA" then it tells me to disable memory dumping/shadowing in the BIOS but I couldn't find that so I restarted again and it just keeps doing it over and over again. So I try to re-install Windows. It gets to the Windows install bit fine, I deleted the Partition I had and made a new one and installed Windows on that, it gets so far through and blue screens with that error message So I try quick format, full format and leaving the current file system intact but it STILL blue screens. I thought it may have been my HDD (Samsung SpinPoint P SATA) so I try and old IDE one I had in my room and it does exactly the same bloody thing. I was told that my memory (GeIL 2GB Value RAM) might be faulty so I run MemTest for a few hours and can't see a problem. Restart the PC and now I can't get a signal on the bloody screen. The NB fan stays on full power when it usually doesn't, it usually stays on full power for a few seconds and slows down. I get no beeps or anything so I really don't know what's up. Spec just incase you need it: DFI LanParty SLi-D Motherboard BFG GeForce 7800GT OC GFX Card 2GB GeIL Value RAM Hiper Type R 580W PSU Soundblaster Audigy 2ZS sound card 1x 80GB Western Digital IDE HDD 1x 40GB Samsung Spinpoint P SATA HDD Asetek WaterChill water cooling. Any ideas.
  10. What about the pocket protector protector? Damn, Saved By The Bell was ace.
  11. Try and scan the card for Artifacts. I know that you can use ATI Tool to scan nVidia cards. Try that.
  12. So you pretty much expect us to write an essay out for you?
  13. Siders77

    Webcam Needed!

    Yeah, that's the one I have.
  14. Siders77

    Webcam Needed!

    Haha. That's all he is anyway. Meh, I guess every little helps. :wink2: I have an Arcsoft cam I think, tis pretty good but the software is utter shit. I think I have the same webcam as Joe?
  15. Siders77

    Close Please

    But I'm a wepon whore. I can't stand the standard wepons. I'll try later.
  16. Siders77

    Close Please

    K. I can't get on BF2 yet anyway, it won't let me log in.
  17. Siders77


    Haha pretty cool. Nice find
  18. Haz, search the server browser in BF2 for "Karkand" and go on the Karkand 24/7 SuperServer.co.uk server. Pretty much all of the people in the top 10 list play there. Blazin UK's on there pretty much every day, too. It's good for point whoring. :wink2: Although it can take up to 10 mins to get on.
  19. Hahah, I'd rather play BF2 than fly/ kill myself with a petrol Heli
  20. I admit it takes a while to get used to but when you do it's a brilliant game, if you get on the right servers it's a right laugh.
  21. Download ATI Tool (I think) and scan for Artifacts.
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