PADS: Heatsink Batch C's. (the blue ones)
TIME USED: Around 3 weeks.
BRAKE USED: 04 Magura, Carbonique booster and bled with water.
WHAT IS YOUR OPINION OF GOOD WORKING BRAKE: Doesn't slip when backwheeling or gapping, but with nice modulation.
OTHER PADS USED: Heatsink batch A and B. Monty Hydras, Planet x sticky pads ( blink:) Koolstops and Black Magura pads.
REVIEW: When I first put these pads on they worked really well, even in the wet. They didn't wear down very fast, but after about a week they started to go downhill. The ends went all round, the lever started to feel really spongy. Then the pad material started to come out of the backings so I bought some rubber glue from B&Q but that didn't work!
Overall I didn't like the pads one single bit. :closedeyes: Sorry Steve!