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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. Take this guys advice! I recently switched from Norton to AVG and AVG Beats the pants off Norton! It's also free ;)
  2. Come one! Someone else must want to go!!! (Y)
  3. Anyone care to yell me what mouse gestures are? Thanks (Y)
  4. Well he is the V!z importer, it says V!z on the hub and it has the V!z logo on it? I'll take a wild guess and say they are V!Z? :)
  5. You know Josh don't you Kerrie? He will proberly be there for a bit (Y)
  6. From the good ol' Pete Wright! (Y)
  7. I will be down as I have to take a frame down to sell to Josh (Y) Sam, I'll ring you when we get it! (Y)
  8. I'm using an Echo rim. Steve, do you think that there will be any chance of a Batch B pair of pads being made? Ta (Y)
  9. Siders77


    I can send you an invite if you want? :) :P
  10. Yeah, I've got one of those Carbonique 4 bolt ones.
  11. Yeah, that's the one I mean. But when I click to download all I get is this (Y)
  12. Sorry to bump up an old thread, but can someone give me a link so that I can download Crystal XP. I can't find it on the website! (Y)
  13. I think everyone uses AutoCad or something like that. Search AutoCad Here (Y) Hope I help mate!
  14. >_< I want the batch 'B' pads back! They were the sh!t!
  15. That sounds like a really good idea dude! I may try it. :turned:
  16. Humm, it's possible. But highly unlikely! I took the pads off and sanded them down a little when they didn't work, but no change >_< I made sure that there was NO oil or anything on my rim. :turned:
  17. Hey guys, well, my problem is that I got some Heatsink pads from Steve a while back. I waited until my Coustellier pads had worn out then I put the Heatsinks on with a nice new grind. When I was out riding they would just not lock! I thought at first hey needed bedding in so I rode round dragging the brake. They still didn't get any better! So what do you guys think it could be? P.S, Yes, the pads are set up square to the rim! :turned: EDIT: I hate this keyboard! >_<
  18. Siders77


    It's been out for ages mate, loads of people on here have them! >_<
  19. Siders77

    My Bike

    I got them custom made for me mate, just look in the yellow pages for sign or sticker makers, then e-mail them the picture or something. Mine cost £14 for both of them, so it's not too bad. >_<
  20. Here are some good MP3 Players, and they are quite cheap too :) EDIT: This one looks really good for the money :)
  21. You eat some bloody wierd things Tart! :)
  22. Yeah it is! He has so many different screen names!
  23. You aren't allowed to sell stuff on here anyway! Read the guidelines!
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