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Everything posted by Siders77

  1. Most people ride there on the weekends mate. If I have a day off or something i'll let you know. Of I could come down on Saturday if you're still there. Catch me on MSN or something siders77@hotmail.com (Y)
  2. Which means that Mr Ko will be selling them soon under the V!Z name. ^_^" :P
  3. Siders77


    Can someone tell me the name of the new S.O.A.D Album please? Cheers ^_^
  4. LMFAO! That did really make me laugh then! Nice one :P ^_^
  5. Oh, haha! I didn't think of that one..... ^_^
  6. A cock?! :P :P" :- EDIT: Actually looking at it properly, it looks like a spine, like what you get in skate parks and stuff.... ^_^
  7. A Camera maybe? :D Hehe, sorry. It had to be done! :deej:" I lost all of the trials picture of me when I formatted my computer :deej: I'll get some soon when I go to Bristol :D (Y)
  8. Just found a picture of her.... And, Mr Monkey, how can you say that I just don't think that's right in my opinion, I don't know why but it just sounds mean. Not everyone in the community that I live in accepts me for what ever reason... Do you think I should have been killed at birth? (Y)
  9. Cheers matey :deej: The only thing i'm not happy with is that I forgot to blend in the front bumper :"> Keep the cars coming people (Y)
  10. Siders77

    Gumball Videos

    Nice one John, I'll download them when I get home (Y) I have been watching it on Men & Motors :deej:
  11. I'll be there :deej: Lee Sidney Siders77 on here. (Y)
  12. It's on now, Channel 4 again. For anyone who wants to watch it :turned:
  13. Well, if Pete gives me the money then I could send Rich a cheque or something so that Pete can get the booster and this can all be sorted out? :turned: EDIT: Here are my refs just so that you know that I won't mess you about or anything!
  14. What I don't understand is why Rich went along with Pete paying the money into Rich's account, then Rich saying that he doesn't want to deal with Pete anymore? :) :turned:
  15. Erm... I can't quite see Danny? What have you done to it? :) :turned:"
  16. Pete's been a sound guy with me, he sent the money through PayPal with NO problems at all! I dunno what this is all about but I would trust Pete! :turned:
  17. Coco Pops! :turned: :)
  18. Siders77

    Happy Slap

    LMFAO!! Nice one mate, it's good to see that they got what was coming to them! :) :turned:
  19. www.download.com It's ony a 30 day trial though, you can always get it from Limewire or what ever you use to download music :turned:
  20. www.digimods.com That's where I get my ideas/tips from :) I get my bodykits from Google or something. Dan_Brisa, that is some bloody good photoshopping there mate! Well done :turned: :S
  21. Have a look on channel 5 now, it's so sad... The girl was born with out a face :S Check it out :mellow:
  22. Haha, i'm willing to forget it all, but I don't think Sam is? Ah well, let's stop clogging up the forum with our MSN sh!t now! :mellow:
  23. I'll come if SOMEONE :S doesn't mind either! Guess whoooooooooo?? :mellow:
  24. I wasn't allowed to ride for 2 weeks, it's all good now :mellow:
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